Hospitalized Kids Need Easter Basket Donations

UC Davis

The public is invited to make this Easter special for patients at UC Davis Children's Hospital by donating goodies to include in their Easter baskets.

The UC Davis Child Life and Creative Arts Therapy Department is accepting donations for Easter basket supplies through its Amazon wish list. Items requested range in price from $3 teething toys to $20 ear buds. The gifts can be ordered online and shipped directly to the Children's Hospital, as noted on the Amazon checkout page.

Items purchased through the Amazon wish list must be received at the hospital by April 15.

The hospital staff will use the gifts to create personalized baskets that match the needs, interests and ages of children receiving care.

"We know that for children, the hospital can feel overwhelming and unfamiliar. That's why our department prioritizes celebrating holidays children would typically enjoy outside the hospital, such as Easter," said Katie Macdonald, programming supervisor in the UC Davis Child Life and Creative Arts Therapy Department. "These celebrations can truly transform the hospital experience, helping to normalize the environment and bring joy to the children and their families. We are deeply grateful to our community of generous donors, as their support makes these special moments possible."

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