Organisers of the WA Tourism Conference tonight announced that the 2023 event will be held in Kalgoorlie-Boulder.
Tourism Council WA CEO Evan Hall said the conference partners were looking forward to bringing the 2023 WA Regional Tourism Conference to a destination with a high level of commitment to constantly improving its local tourism offering and appeal to visitors.
"The 2023 WA Regional Tourism Conference is expected to attract more than 250 delegates from across Western Australia, with estimated expenditure in the destination of more than $200,000," he said.
"We're looking forward to showcasing the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder and the surrounding region to tourism businesses and industry delegates from across Western Australia, who will then promote the destination to potential visitors," he said.
The announcement was made at the 2022 Perth Airport WA Tourism Conference Dinner, held tonight at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre.
City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Mayor John Bowler said the City was looking forward to welcoming delegates and showcasing Kalgoorlie-Boulder as a tourism hub for the Goldfields region.
"We're honoured to have been given the opportunity to host this prestigious conference and have planned a great schedule of events and experiences for them to enjoy," he said.
"Having been selected recognises the commitment the City has made through our Tourism Strategy to support and grow tourism offerings for our City and the great Goldfields region.
"This provides us a fantastic opportunity to promote not only our unique attractions but also our tourism operators and initiatives to the industry at large."
The WA Tourism Conference was introduced in 2015 as an industry-wide event and is now co-hosted by a number of industry associations including Tourism Council WA, Visitor Centres WA, Caravan Industry Association WA, Western Australian Indigenous Tourism Operators Council (WAITOC) and the Forum Advocating Cultural and Eco Tourism (FACET). The 2023 event will be the fourth held in a regional location, with the conference held in Albany in 2017, Karratha in 2019, and Geraldton in 2021.