How and where will residential housing be delivered in the Byron Shire over the next 20 years?
The answers will be identified in Council's Residential Strategy, a key document that is currently being refreshed to reflect the recent floods and housing targets set by the NSW Government.
The first step in this process is the development of a Housing Options Paper, which is currently on public exhibition.
The Housing Options Paper proposes where housing will be developed in the Shire, including present and future land releases and infill development.
"The NSW Government has set Council a new target to deliver 4,522 homes for 8,590 people by 2041," Byron Shire Mayor, Michael Lyon, said.
"Not only is housing the number one issue for our community but it's also at the top of the agendas for the NSW and Australian Governments.
"It is also something that cannot be fixed quickly so we absolutely need to make sure our planning framework allows appropriate housing development to happen, taking into account the importance of our natural environment and the identity and character of our existing villages and towns," Mayor Lyon said.
The Housing Options Paper identifies four ways Council can deliver housing:
- Infill
- New release
- Vacant land
- Living differently
"I hope anyone who lives here or has an interest in the Byron Shire will have a look at the Housing Options Paper and make a submission," Mayor Lyon said.
Information about the Housing Options Paper and the opportunity to provide feedback is on Council's website.
Four information sessions are also being held across the Shire.
30 October 2023
- Bangalow A&I Hall – 5:15pm to 6:15pm
- Byron Community Centre – 7:30pm to 8:30pm
31 October 2023
- Brunswick Heads (venue to be confirmed) – 5:15pm to 6:15pm
- Council Chambers Mullumbimby – 7:30pm to 8:30pm
The closing date for submissions is 6 November.