The arts and our libraries play an integral role in building and bringing the community together to connect through performance, painting, exhibitions, music, history, literacy, ideas, technology, and culture.
Over the last couple of years our libraries have had to communicate, connect, and do things differently with our community. The Bayside Gallery had to find new ways to reach our audiences along with our arts events and programs.
Bayside Mayor, Cr Alex del Porto welcomes community input to refresh Council's Libraries, Arts and Culture Strategy which will help us understand what people want to see, hear, and experience more of in Bayside.
"Whether or not you currently use our programs, attend exhibitions, or access our libraries we want to hear from you.
"We're aiming to create more opportunities by investing in arts and culture so that we can support our creative communities and help the industry recover from the impacts of COVID-19.
"Through our arts and culture programming, we have the chance to develop stronger relationships with our artistic community and build a renewed sense of identity for Bayside.
"We also want to hear your ideas about how we build on our library's role as community and cultural hubs, delivering programs and services that meet our communities diverse and growing needs now and into the future," Cr del Porto said.
There will be further opportunities for community feedback once the draft Strategy has been developed.