Council has conducted a review of the process and methodology underlying all community engagement and is seeking feedback on that document.
The draft Community Engagement and Participation Strategy is currently on public exhibition until April 15. This document is a legislated part of the Integrated Planning and Reporting framework and must be adopted by Council every four years.
It explains the process Council undertakes when planning community engagement, the topics that are appropriate for public feedback and the legislation that guides informed decision making in Local Government.
The Plan makes a firm commitment to an engagement approach that is guided by principles of being authentic, inclusive, timely and genuine. The importance of Council investing resources into closing the loop and reporting decisions back to community who have participated in engagement has also been recognised in this updated draft.
In any given month Council's dedicated community engagement website, Your Say Macleay, will feature a variety of plans or discussions that require feedback from community.
Council is currently partnering with Transport NSW on an initiative to transform the precinct around Kempsey Railway station into a safer, more welcoming and well-connected space.
Residents and railway users are invited to join a Walkshop – a guided walk through the 500m precinct – providing an interactive chance to describe your experiences and share ideas for improvements. Expressions of interest are also open for participants in a co-design session to refine ideas and plan the precinct layout.
This project is a great example of the inclusive and interactive ways Council is seeking community opinion, prior to presenting plans and final agreements.
A similar interactive drop-in session was held this week to get residents thoughts on the Stuarts Point Structure Plan, ahead of a community survey being released. The Structure Plan will identify how Stuarts Point can grow into the future, considering pending completion of the Sewerage scheme in coming years.
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