How To Report And Request Graffiti Removal In Your Area

City of Port Phillip
An increase in graffiti across the City of Port Phillip hasn't gone unnoticed.

Our street cleaning crews have been working hard, completing 4,136 graffiti removal jobs and removing 12,721 square metres of graffiti from July 2024 to January 2025. That's just over 30 full sized basketball courts worth of illegal graffiti removed.

To ensure we are continuously improving our graffiti clean-up services, City of Port Phillip frequently review our Graffiti Management Plan to ensure we can tackle illegal and offensive graffiti effectively with clear objectives and efficient processes.

How we respond to graffiti reports

Offensive graffiti is being removed with high priority by our graffiti removal services crew who endeavor to remove reported offensive graffiti within 4 hours of being reported.

Other graffiti is typically removed within 10 days, but due to the high volume of requests and an increase in offensive graffiti, some requests may take longer.

How to report graffiti

Help keep our streets clean by reporting illegal graffiti (especially offensive graffiti) though:

  • Phone 03 9209 677

Graffiti on private or third-party property

Unfortunately, Council cannot remove graffiti from assets owned by utility and transport providers, vacant properties, constructions sites or laneways more than 10 metres from the street.

To report graffiti on these assets, residents must contact the property owner directly. Visit our Graffiti Management page

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