What is the current state of affairs in Russia? In this podcast Russian-background scholars aim to provide information on the variety of positions, views and processes in contemporary Russia.

In a podcast episode, Russian-background feminist scholars at the University of Helsinki open up the discussion on the current Russian War in Ukraine. Utterly shocked with the Russian military aggression, Dr. Anna Avdeeva (Swedish School of Social Science), Dr. Daria Krivonos (Center of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives), and Dr. Margarita Zavadskaya (Aleksanteri Institute) meet to discuss the current state of affairs in Russia.
Standing against the war and trying not to take space and voices of the Ukrainian people and scholars, the discussants aim to provide more information on the variety of the positions, views, and processes in contemporary Russia in order to secure a more nuanced and multidimensional understanding of the situation.
The discussion touches upon Russian protests against the war and the protesting potential of Russians, the academic community's response to the discussed event, ethical choices, and the need for the decolonisation of the Russian and Eastern European studies as well as their language.
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This recording is an independent episode on the podcast channel Studio Soc&kom of the Swedish School of Social Science at the University of Helsinki.