HRW Board Announces Leadership Transition

Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch announced today that the Board of Directors has named Federico Borello as interim executive director, effective immediately. Borello, the current deputy executive director and chief programs officer, will serve in an interim capacity while the Board conducts an accelerated search for a permanent executive director to succeed Tirana Hassan, who has left the organization.

Borello, an Italian lawyer with more than 20 years of experience in human rights, civilian protection, and transitional justice, joined Human Rights Watch in July 2024. In his current role, he oversees the organization's programmatic work, with specific attention to its research, advocacy, communications, and legal and policy departments.

"Federico brings a wealth of human rights expertise and leadership experience to this important role, and we look forward to supporting him and the senior management team as we work through this transition," said Neil Rimer, co-chair of the Human Rights Watch board.

Prior to joining Human Rights Watch, Borello was the executive director at the Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) for nearly a decade. He also served as director of investments at Humanity United. Federico speaks English, French, Spanish, and Italian.

Borello said, "My priority is to support our staff, guide Human Rights Watch through this moment of transition, and ensure that the organization continues its impactful human rights work, which is needed now more than ever. I look forward to working closely with staff, our senior leadership team, the Board of Directors, and our partners around the world to further the vital work that we do."

Hassan was appointed executive director in 2023, succeeding Kenneth Roth. Her departure reflects differing perspectives from those of the Board, with regard to the leadership's relationship with the Board, and the role of the Board in discharging its fiduciary responsibilities.

"The board would like to thank Tirana for her important contributions to Human Rights Watch over many years of service and for her deep commitment to the organization. We wish her well in her future endeavors," said Amy Rao, co-chair of the Human Rights Watch board.

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