This statement was prepared for the enhanced interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan, held at the UN Human Rights Council on June 18, 2024. The statement could not be delivered orally at the HRC due to time limitations.
Mr. President,
We welcome the Special Rapporteur's latest report and share his concerns over the increasingly suffocating situation facing women and girls in Afghanistan, and the systematic denial of their human rights.
After nearly three years since the Taliban regained power, the inadequate international response to these abuses is disheartening.
Afghan women remain excluded from important UN processes, including the upcoming Doha 3 meeting, in clear violation of UN Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security. We urge all UN member states and UN actors to ensure the full, meaningful, and safe participation of diverse Afghan women in all discussions related to Afghanistan.
Mr. President,
Urgent action is needed.
We urge states to pay close attention to the Special Rapporteur' recommendations, including seriously considering his call for the codification of gender apartheid as a crime against humanity.
Concrete measures should be taken to hold the Taliban accountable for their crimes against women and girls. At this Council, states should take overdue action to establish a comprehensive accountability mechanism, with a mandate to investigate past and ongoing abuses including Taliban crimes against women and girls. States should also bring an International Court of Justice case regarding the Taliban's failure to apply CEDAW, to which Afghanistan is party.
Thank you.