Hume Freeway Maintenance: Beveridge, Wallan, Wandong

Transport Victoria is undertaking a series of maintenance works along the Hume Freeway to deliver a smoother, safer driving experience for all road users.

Works in progress and upcoming:

  • Beveridge: Repairs are underway on a damaged section of road surface. These works are expected to be completed by late March, with final line marking to follow in May.
  • Clonbinane: Southbound lane (heading toward Melbourne) repairs will begin in late March and take approximately four weeks, weather permitting. Final line marking is scheduled for May.
  • Wandong to Wallan: Resurfacing will take place in multiple sections along both northbound lanes (heading out of Melbourne) and southbound lanes (heading toward Melbourne) between late March and April. This work is expected to take approximately four weeks, weather permitting.

Traffic disruptions and safety:

To minimise disruptions, works will be carried out at night from 9pm to 5am, Sunday to Thursday. No works will occur on Thursday or Friday nights. Both freeway lanes will remain open during the day, although reduced speed limits may still apply.

  • Expect minor delays of 5-10 minutes.
  • On-ramp and off-ramp closures will be required at times between Wandong and Wallan. Detour routes will be clearly signposted.

All works will pause over the Easter period and the weekend following Anzac Day.

Please slow down, follow signage and drive carefully to ensure the safety of road workers and fellow motorists.

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