Hundreds Dead in Renewed Israeli Assault on Gaza

Human Rights Watch

Israeli forces launched on March 18, 2025, a new wave of airstrikes on Gaza that has, according to Gaza's Health Ministry, killed more than 400 Palestinians. During the many months of hostilities, Israeli forces have again and again carried out unlawfully indiscriminate airstrikes, killed, and maimed thousands of civilians, including wiping out entire families, and reduced much of Gaza's infrastructure, homes, schools, and hospitals to rubble.

The following quote can be attributed to Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch:

"The reported killings of hundreds of Palestinians amid Israel's renewed assault on Gaza is alarming. The Israeli authorities have committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, including forced displacement and extermination, and acts of genocide during the assault on Gaza. Other countries should urgently act to prevent further mass atrocities, including by suspending arms transfers to Israel, supporting the International Criminal Court and executing its arrest warrants, and imposing targeted sanctions on officials responsible for laws-of-war violations."

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