Hungry Caterpillar Set to Feast at Pilbeam Theatre


Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar to take a bite out of the Pilbeam Theatre!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Show is heading to the Pilbeam Theatre in February, as part of a national tour.

One of the most iconic children's stories of all time, Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar has sold over 50 million copies and now emerges from the page in a joyous and masterful theatrical experience, created by Jonathan Rockefeller.

Brought to life with a menagerie of 75 loveable puppets, this critically-acclaimed production faithfully adapts four of Carle's stories, including Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? and of course, the star of the show – The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

A delight for those just discovering Carle's stories, and for the generations who grew up with his iconic books, this enchanting Australian-made show transports audiences into a pop-up-like version of Carle's world that will excite, educate and entertain the whole family.

Eric Carle (1929 - 2021) worked with the Rockefeller Productions team to create the show, and attended the original New York premiere in 2016. His message for the Australian production prior to his passing was: "I hope the performances will be enjoyed by many and that the colourful characters bring comfort and joy to all who see the stories… it is uplifting to see such beautiful and cheerful works inspired by my characters! I hope my books - and this show - will inspire you and your imagination."

Presented by Rockhampton Regional Council, The Very Hungry Caterpillar Show will be performed at the Pilbeam Theatre on Wednesday 26 February at 6pm and Thursday 27 February at 10am and 12 midday. Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for children (aged 3-17 years). Group discounts are available for schools attending the matinee performances. Limited public seating is available for the matinees.

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