Hunter Seeks Local Energy Hub


As Ausgrid consults communities about upgrades to critical network infrastructure to support the Hunter Central Coast Renewable Energy Zone, local groups are urging the Federal Government to deliver a Local Energy Hub to the region.

The Hunter Jobs Alliance is concerned locals didn't know Ausgrid's community drop-in sessions in Singleton and Muswellbrook last week were taking place, and encouraged people to attend online webinars this Thursday 6 February.

Hunter Jobs Alliance Coordinator Justin Page said the region needed a Local Energy Hub to help bridge the information disconnect between governments, industry and the communities being asked to host renewable energy infrastructure like wind and solar farms, batteries and new transmission lines.

"The upgrades being proposed by Ausgrid will see them using existing transmission easements and corridors," said Justin Page.

"This a fantastic thing and a first for a renewable energy zone in Australia - but we're concerned locals will never hear about it because they don't know that consultation sessions are taking place," he said.

Mr Page said Ausgrid's consultation process in the Hunter Central Coast region is a good example of why the Hunter needs a Hub.

"The Ausgrid upgrades are key to getting access to cheap renewable energy, creating local jobs and local economic benefits, but the conversation about why it is needed, where it will go and how it will be rolled out is still not happening adequately," he said.

RE-Alliance, alongside partners Community Power Agency and Yes2Renewables, has been calling on the Federal Government to address the information gap on Australia's shift to renewables with Local Energy Hubs in renewable energy regions.

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