The Tasmanian Government welcomes the approval of a new, reduced speed limit for the Huon Highway and Mountain River Road intersection, with design work and consultation progressing simultaneously on safety upgrades for this intersection.
Minister for Transport, Eric Abetz, said he was pleased to today receive advice that the Commissioner for Transport had approved a new, reduced speed limit of 80 km/hr for the Huon Highway between Allens Road and Mountain River Road, Grove.
"The lower speed limit will give people more time to safely cross the road and provide more time for drivers to react and avoid potential crashes," Minister Abetz said.
"I understand the new speed limit will be in effect in the coming weeks, once the signs have been installed."
Minister for Infrastructure, Kerry Vincent, said work was also progressing on plans to improve the safety of the intersection for all users, whether they walk, ride or drive.
"We are fast-tracking the design, construction and community consultation of this important project," Minister Vincent said.
"We are this week meeting with the Huon Valley Council, ahead of broader community consultation taking place, to finalise a preferred option for intersection upgrades.
"The Government is assessing several options to identify the most effective solution to improve safety at this location.
"We have been working with Mayor Sally Doyle and the Council for quite some time on this intersection and I thank them for their assistance and input.
"We have committed $3 million for upgrades to the intersection, and another $40 million has been committed by the Australian Government for the Huon Highway, more broadly, some of which may be directed towards this intersection."
The Tasmanian Government is building safer and more effecient roads across the State as part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future.