Hussen Unveils Support for Bangladesh, Indo-Pacific Projects

Global Affairs Canada

Canada and Bangladesh are steadfast partners working to advance mutual priorities and strengthen global sustainable development. This multifaceted partnership shares the united goals of gender parity, education and tackling climate change. Canada's commitment to global partnerships will strengthen inclusion, reduce poverty and contribute to prosperity for Canadians.

Earlier this week, the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of International Development, alongside Member of Parliament Parm Bains, announced $272.1 million of funding to development projects in Bangladesh and the broader Indo-Pacific region. Wednesday's announcement, made while meeting with the Bangladesh community in Vancouver, reinforces Canada's dedication to creating a more sustainable and collaborative world.

Canada's support will focus on gender equality, sexual and reproductive health and rights, as well as improved access to inclusive education and skills training for today's labour market. These initiatives reflect Canada's deep-rooted values of protecting women's rights as outlined in Canada's Feminist International Assistance Policy, where the goal is for women and girls around the world to be empowered to reach their full potential.

Canada's support will also improve climate action through nature-based solutions, advancing green innovations and strengthening disaster preparedness. The projects will improve the overall quality of life for people in the Indo-Pacific region and reduce poverty on a global scale.

Canada's continued support on the advancement of the UN's Sustainable Development goals, will lead to better opportunities for the future and make vulnerable communities a safer place for all.

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