IAEA Board Updates: Ukraine, Iran, Gender, AI & More

The IAEA Director General reminded the Agency's Board of Governors today of the precarious nuclear safety situation in Ukraine, and discussed his trip to Fukushima, developments with Iran, reaching gender parity at the IAEA and more.

Nuclear safety in Ukraine

"There's no room for complacency here," Rafael Mariano Grossi told the IAEA Board in his opening statement this morning.

Mr Grossi spoke of his 11th visit to Ukraine since the war began and of his meeting with President Zelenskyy, as well as ongoing consultations with Moscow to support nuclear safety and security at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant.

"You may have seen by the contents of our report there and the updates that we are producing regularly, how important it is to keep the international community well informed and also for us to provide any assistance that may be needed," the Director General said.

"The Agency continues to carry out its activities in full compliance with the United Nations resolutions and the resolutions of this board, and we'll continue to do that," he added.

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