IAEA Visits India to Boost Energy, Cancer Cooperation

IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi has been in India this week to attend the prestigious Raisina Dialogue and strengthen cooperation on nuclear energy and cancer care.

Nuclear Energy, SMRs and Fusion at Raisina Dialogue

During his four day-visit, Mr Grossi attended Raisina Dialogue, India's flagship conference on geopolitics and economics and met with Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, India's Minister of External Affairs. They discussed the role of nuclear science and technology for peace and development.

The Director General also enjoyed an exchange with Observer Research Foundation Chairman Sunjoy Joshi at Raisina Dialogue. The pair discussed the return to realism in nuclear energy, its future, non-proliferation, small modular reactors (SMRs) and the IAEA's role in advancing safe and peaceful nuclear technology.

Watch the chat below:

At the conference, Mr Grossi also spoke about IAEA collaboration with India on fusion energy.

New Regional Hub for Cancer Care

During the visit, Mr Grossi signed a partnership on a new cancer centre as part of the Rays of Hope: Cancer Care for All initiative.

"I am proud to recognize Tata Memorial as an IAEA Rays of Hope Anchor Centre. A leader of the Global South, India has built strong cancer care expertise-now it's time to share it with the world. With this partnership, we will bring India's know-how to regions that need it most," said the Director General.

Tata Memorial Centre is the latest Rays of Hope Anchor Centre, joining six others supporting cancer care in the Asia Pacific region. There are now 11 Anchor Centres around the world, serving as knowledge and capacity building hubs to expand access to cancer care where it is needed most, particularly in low- and middle- income countries.

Tata Memorial Centre consists of multiple different cancer institutes across India, administered under the Department of Atomic Energy. The centre has a long history of cooperation with the IAEA, particularly in terms of coordinated research projects (CRPs), publications, training courses and workshops. Watch an example of this important cooperation here.

Domestic Nuclear Power

According to the IAEA's PRIS database, India has 20 nuclear reactors in operation producing about 3 per cent of its electricity. With an additional six reactors under construction and more planned, India is currently one of the world's leading domestic builders of nuclear power plants. During his trip, Mr Grossi visited Kakrapar Atomic Power Station.

Global Collaboration and Capacity Building

The importance of capacity building in the nuclear field was highlighted as Mr Grossi inaugurated the SN Bose Building of the Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership (GCNEP) and introduced a certificate course on nuclear engineering.

"Nuclear energy is growing, especially in Asia, and a strong workforce is key to sustain it. India is an important nuclear country, and the IAEA partnering with the Department of Atomic Energy with GCNEP will help train the next generation of workers," he said.

The Director General ended his trip with a visit to India's Department of Atomic Energy, where he met with Secretary Ajit Kumar Mohanty.

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