IAG Aids Customers Affected by Ex-Cyclone Alfred

IAG on the ground supporting customers impacted by Ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred

IAG, whose brands include NRMA Insurance, CGU, WFI and ROLLiN', has assessors and builders on the ground providing face to face support for customers and communities impacted by Ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred in South East Queensland and Northern NSW.

As of 7am Sunday 9 March, IAG has received approximately 400 claims across its brands, with most of the claims from NRMA Insurance customers for property damage. The majority of claims are for wind damage to properties, fallen tree impacts, and intense rainwater entering homes. The number of claims is expected to rise over the coming days, with the event still unfolding.

NRMA Insurance Executive General Manager Claims Luke Gallagher said: "Many people across South East Queensland and Northern NSW have been impacted by extreme weather and natural disasters over the past few years, and we know this is an anxious time.

Ensuring the safety of customers and communities is the priority and we urge residents to continue the follow the advice of the emergency authorities and importantly please never drive through flood water.

Luke Gallagher

NRMA Insurance Executive General Manager

"We have further bolstered our number of claims consultants who are standing by to lodge claims as quickly as possible.

"Our assessors and builders are on the ground across the impacted regions. They have been out assessing damage and undertaking emergency make-safe repairs, wherever possible in the current conditions, to help prevent any further water impacts to properties.

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"We encourage customers to lodge their claim as soon as possible so we can provide immediate support, including temporary accommodation and emergency financial assistance."

IAG is drawing on its extensive network to support its response for customers, including a large, well-resourced Partner Builder Network, with additional builders on standby to support. IAG has also increased its internal property assessor team with additional assessors from its New Zealand team shortly to arrive in the region.

The NRMA Insurance helicopter north of Newcastle on its way to Coffs Harbour on Saturday 8 March 2025

The NRMA Insurance helicopter is on standby in Coffs Harbour, ready to support the emergency authorities if required.

Customers can lodge their claims online or over the phone via:

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