IBA Gathers Leaders to Back ICC in Global Crime Fight


The International Bar Association 's (IBA) International Criminal Court and International Criminal Law (ICC & ICL) Programme and Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) convened officials of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) with state representatives in Geneva. They discussed the role that the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) can play to promote accountability for international crimes through strengthened support for the ICC.

IBA Executive Director Dr Mark Ellis commented: 'The IBA remains steadfast in its support for initiatives that foster dialogue between institutions tasked with protecting the rights of victims of serious crimes. All states share a mutual interest in ensuring accountability for international crimes before the International Criminal Court and in reinforcing the global response to grave human rights abuses. When the rule of law is at stake, states must uphold their commitments, speak out, and actively support the institutions designed to safeguard justice.'

On 18 March, the IBA's ICC & ICL Programme and the IBAHRI organised a side event in the margins of the 58th session of the UNHRC in Geneva to discuss strategies and concrete measures to enhance political support for and strengthen cooperation between the ICC and the UNHRC. The event was organised in collaboration with the Permanent Mission of Belgium in Geneva which represents, defends and advances Belgium's interests with UN organisations and was co-sponsored by permanent missions of Chile and Sierra Leone.

Experts, state representatives and civil society organisations took part in the discussion. The President of the ICC's ASP, HE Ambassador Päivi Kaukoranta, the ICC Registrar, Osvaldo Zavala Giler and the ICC Deputy Prosecutor, Nazhat Shameem Khan, delivered remarks during the event, which was moderated by HE Ambassador Christophe Payot, permanent representative of Belgium to the UN and international institutions in Geneva.

HE Ambassador Kaukoranta said: 'In a world of fragmented international relations, the ICC remains steadfast in pursuing its mission. However, the Court is attacked as a consequence of executing the mandate that was given to it by States Parties. With threats and sanctions looming over the Court, it is important that States Parties take measures to protect and support it. The independence and security of the Court depend on such measures by its States Parties.'

Ms Khan commented: 'Advancing justice and protecting human rights are mutually reinforcing movements. Stronger networks with UN-mandated mechanisms are crucial in our work towards accountability for international crimes.'

Mr Giler stated: 'Defending the ICC is not just about defending a single institution; it is about defending the principles that allow us to live in a world where might does not make right, where power is constrained by law, and where no one - not even the most powerful - stand above justice. Ultimately, the danger of undermining the ICC is that it will set a blueprint for dismantling all international accountability mechanisms and the wider human rights system.'

HE Christophe Payot said: 'The institutions that are supposed to uphold the most basic principles of international law are increasingly under attack. If we cannot ensure accountability for violations of international law, including human rights law, then the rules-based international order itself is threatened.'

ICC officials, together with UNHRC stakeholders and Geneva-based diplomatic representations, also engaged in a private briefing co-organised by the IBA ICC & ICL Programme and the IBAHRI, the Permanent Mission of Belgium and the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights .

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