ICAC Operation Sirocco Report

NT Government

This afternoon in Parliament, I tabled a report from the ICAC delegate Patricia Kelly SC, titled Operation Sirocco, dated 11 April 2024.

Operation Sirocco outlines the mess which occurred under the former Labor government's watch regarding the prosecution of former Children's Commissioner, Colleen Gwynne.

This is an issue which has continued to generate nationwide public interest since the investigation first began under Labor in November 2018.

On Monday, the Chief Minister said publicly that all options were on the table, and this government would not rule out an inquiry into the Colleen Gwynne prosecution, if it was required.

Yesterday, my office wrote to ICAC to determine whether they had previously investigated this issue.

The ICAC confirmed they had investigated the matter previously, and yesterday afternoon they provided me with the Operation Sirocco report.

Now that the report has been tabled, I will be asking the Attorney-General's Department for a full briefing on the matter to determine what further action, if any, is appropriate.

Today, it is 343 days since ICAC's Operation Sirocco report was finalised.

Question marks now hang over the two former Attorneys-General; the Leader of the Opposition, Selena Uibo, and Member for Gwoja, Chansey Paech, about how long they have known.

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