ICC, Latvia Seal Pact on Sentence Enforcement


On 28 March 2025, the International Criminal Court ("ICC" or "Court") and the Government of the Republic of Latvia concluded an Agreement on the Enforcement of Sentences.

The President of the Court, Judge Tomoko Akane, and H.E. Ms Solvita Āboltiņa, the Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia in the Netherlands, signed the agreement during a ceremony held at the seat of the Court in The Hague, the Netherlands. Under the agreement, persons convicted by the ICC may serve sentences of imprisonment in Latvia if so decided by the Court and accepted by the Government of Latvia.

Emphasising that the enforcement of sentences is a crucial element of a well-functioning and complete criminal justice system, ICC President Tomoko Akane thanked Latvia for its unwavering support and stated: "The Court wishes to express its sincere gratitude to Latvia for having concluded this enforcement agreement. This step underscores Latvia's unwavering commitment to international criminal justice and bolsters the Court's capacity to uphold international justice and fulfil its mandate." She also expressed hope that other States Parties will follow the example of Latvia and show their support to the work of the Court by signing an agreement on the enforcement of sentences.

H.E. Ms Solvita Āboltiņa, the Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia in the Netherlands, said: "The conclusion of this agreement demonstrates that Latvia reinforces itself as a deeply committed State Party to the Rome Statute that does not merely speak about justice but actively works to strengthen the legal mechanisms that protect it. Our history has shown the importance of a strong legal framework and cooperation that holds perpetrators accountable. We will continue to support efforts that uphold international peace and security, ensuring that law, not force, defines the course of history."

The Rome Statute, the Court's founding treaty, provides that sentences of imprisonment imposed by the ICC "shall be served in a State designated by the Court from a list of States which have indicated to the Court their willingness to accept sentenced persons".

Similar agreements on the enforcement of sentences are currently in force between the ICC and Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, Georgia, Mali, Norway, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

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