IIASA Briefs Austrian States on Research & Innovation


IIASA contributed to the Austrian Bundesländerdialog - a forum bringing together the federal government, representatives of different states, and other interested institutions to discuss recent developments in research, technology, and innovation. It provided an important platform to increase IIASA's visibility in the Austrian federal states and strengthen connections with key stakeholders in research and innovation.

The event was organized on 4 March 2025 by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research of Austria. Represented by Equity and Justice Research Group Leader Thomas Schinko, IIASA was among the two reputable research institutions invited to provide an overview of their current research priorities and projects.

Some of the highlights brought up as part of the event included IIASA's work to support Austrian - and European - policymakers in developing evidence-based strategies in the areas of climate change mitigation and adaptation, energy transitions, and demographic shifts.

"Our Bundesländerdialog is a well-established exchange platform with the Austrian federal provinces in science, research, and innovation. I am pleased that IIASA accepted our invitation to present successful examples of its transdisciplinary approach and the transformative potential of its models for evidence informed policymaking at global and regional levels. IIASA already has close ties with Austrian universities and research institutions, but I am convinced that more can always be done to increase visibility and strengthen links with Austrian stakeholders," said Barbara Weitgruber, Director General at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

"This event was a brilliant opportunity for the federal government, as well as the representatives of different states to get to know IIASA better, as well as to learn more about the research conducted by our scientists with a specific focus on Austria," says Schinko. "We showcased some of the transdisciplinary research innovations that are of particular relevance to the national, sub-national and local policymakers in Austria, as well as recent research on AI and life sciences."

One example specifically discussed as part of the event was the work of the institute, conducted with a focus on young people in Austria, such as the Climate Champions Initiative, which enables students to develop sustainable projects with the support of leading sustainability scientists. IIASA also organizes workshops on systems thinking, climate change, biodiversity, and sustainable consumption for Austrian school students.

Other important IIASA initiatives discussed included the Second Austrian Assessment Report on Climate Change - a comprehensive document, which lays out past, present, and potential future impacts of climate change in Austria, defining opportunities and limits of mitigation and adaptation. The report is currently being developed by IIASA scientists and experts from numerous Austrian institutions.

To highlight the impact IIASA research has in Austria with broader implications for the EU, Schinko highlighted the Citizens for Copernicus project, which uses satellite data, AI, and citizen science to help monitor the changes occurring in local forests. In addition, the data collected acts as the permanent source for validation of current and future Copernicus satellite data, setting standards for developing the European and global Copernicus citizen science projects.

Finally, Schinko highlighted strong collaborative ties IIASA has established with many Austrian research institutes and universities, such as the Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU), University of Graz, University of Innsbruck, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), and University of Vienna. He concluded that IIASA has a unique role to play in the Austrian scientific environment by connecting research activities from local to global levels in a systematic way.

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