The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service have been forced to close a popular camping area in Morton National Park after 4WDs illegally entered and damaged a site that had only recently re-opened after the 2019 bushfires.
National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Area Manager Graham Bush said NPWS will be pursuing legal action against the group for unauthorised access and damage to a wilderness area.
'The group illegally entered the Morton National Park through locked gates and drove to the Griffins Farm walk-in camping area,' said Mr Bush.
'The group then proceeded to do 'circle work' which basically destroyed vegetation that had only just recovered from the bushfires.
'The camping area had only re-opened in December last year as it had been heavily impacted by the Currowan bushfire and needed time to recover.
'Two years on we are now pretty much back to square one as the irresponsible actions of these people have completely destroyed the emerging vegetation, disturbed the ground cover and soil, and left the site unusable.
'This group has not only damaged a fragile environment, they have also stopped other people from being able to use and enjoy a popular area.
'Unfortunately, this means we will have to again close the area to campers for the foreseeable future to give the area time to recover.
'A contractor working in the park advised NPWS of the group of five 4WDrivers so we have been able to identify those responsible and have commenced an investigation into their actions.
'NPWS will now look to charge the group with various offences under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974,' said Mr Bush.