Illegal Fishing Vessels Intercepted In Rowley Shoals

The Australian Border Force (ABF) intercepted two illegal foreign fishing vessels last week off the coast of Western Australia, as part of an ongoing operation to combat the practice in Australian waters.

On 27 February 2025, two vessels suspected to be illegally fishing were located and intercepted within the Rowley Shoals Marine Park, 300 km west of Broome. One was in the vicinity of Clerke Reef and the other near Mermaid Reef.

Further investigations showed evidence of fisheries offences and after consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA), the ABF decided to conduct a legislative forfeiture of the two vessels' catch and equipment.

A total of 129 kg of sea cucumber was seized from the vessels, as well as fishing equipment, including knives, breathing apparatus and bags of salt. The sea cucumber catch was disposed of at sea.

One vessel was safely destroyed after the crew were transferred to the second vessel, which was then directed to leave Australian waters.

Commander Maritime Border Command, Rear Admiral Brett Sonter, said the two interceptions were the result of a multi-agency taskforce targeting illegal foreign fishing in Australian waters.

"These apprehensions again demonstrate the systems in place across our vast coastline continue to net results," RADM Sonter said.

"We remain committed to maintaining this strong enforcement action against illegal foreign fishing, which can cause serious damage to our fish stocks and marine environment."

Anyone with information about suspicious activity which may impact the security of Australia's borders is urged to report to Border Watch online.

By reporting suspicious activities, you help protect Australia's border and the community.​

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