Illicit Substance Seizures In Adelaide River

The Northern Territory Police Force has seized a quantity of alcohol and cannabis during a traffic and drug detection operation in Adelaide River last week.

On Thursday, 20 March, police received intelligence that a gold Toyota Prado destined for Wadeye Community was trafficking alcohol.

The vehicle was intercepted on Stuart Highway where officers conducted a lawful search and located 38 bottles of liquor and 375 grams of cannabis.

The alcohol and drugs were seized, and the 33-year-old male driver was issued a Notice to Appear in court on 6 May 2025.

Remote Sergeant Colin Schwartz said, "The impact of this seizure will have significant benefits for the community in terms of harm minimisation.

"We will continue to disrupt the flow of prohibited products entering protected areas to prevent anti-social behaviour, domestic violence incidents, and alcohol-fuelled violence, particularly when they are bound for remote communities."

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