ILO, EU Ink Deal to Boost Bangladesh-EU Skilled Labor

On 8 July 2024, the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Bangladesh and the International Labour Organization (ILO) signed an agreement for the Talent Partnership Project, which will facilitate safe and regular migration of skilled workers from Bangladesh to EU Member States to help meet growing skilled labour shortages in EU Member States.

The Talent Partnership programme is an initiative referenced under the European Union's New Pact on Migration and Asylum, aiming to match skilled labour supply in Third Countries with skilled labour demand in EU Member States while ensuring safe and regular mobility pathways for skilled migrant workers in compliance with international human rights and labour rights. In this ways the Talent Partnership programme aims to develop a mutually beneficial relationship between Bangladesh and EU Member States on skilled labour migration.

Signing ceremony of ILO EU Talent Partnership project


Signing ceremony of ILO EU Talent Partnership project

Neeran Ramjuthan, Office in Charge of the ILO in Bangladesh, said "The Talent Partnership aims to contribute to matching and balancing skilled labour demand and supply, supporting economic growth, and enhancing the safety and recognition of skilled migrant workers, while fostering collaborative opportunities between EU Member States and Bangladesh for mutual benefit and in accordance with international labour standards."

Under the Talent Partnership Project, students, graduates and skilled workers from Bangladesh will be able to access opportunities to live, work and further develop their skills in various European Member States. The Talent Partnership Project will also facilitate access to opportunities for preparatory vocational and other required training in Bangladesh. The project will furthermore facilitate access to reintegration support for migrants returning to their countries of origin.

Charles Whiteley, Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the European Union to Bangladesh said "Skilled labour migration is crucial for future economic growth in Europe, given the significant skilled labour deficits in a widening range of occupational sectors. This Talent Partnership programme with Bangladesh will furthermore facilitate regular and safe mobility mobility pathways for mutual benefit of Bangladesh and involved EU Member States".

The Talent Partnership Project in Bangladesh builds upon the achievements and results by the ILO's Skills 21 project, funded by the European Union, and the project will facilitate the training, assessment and a safe and regular mobility pathway for 3,000 skilled migrant workers from Bangladesh to sector occupations in EU Member States.

Acting Foreign Secretary Dr Md Nazrul Islam noted that "Bangladesh's demographic dividend, skilled workforce and long tradition of overseas employments means that Bangladesh is well suited to collaborate with EU Member States on skilled labour supply in a range of occupational sectors, incl. ICT, nursing and caregiving, agriculture, hospitality and tourism, construction, transport and logistics. We are therefore pleased with this welcome EU initiative for mutual long-term benefit".

A wide range of Senior Officials of the Government of Bangladesh, representing among other the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Expatriate Welfare and Overseas Employment, and the Ministry of Education attended the signing ceremony and expressed their satisfaction that Bangladeshi migrant workers will have access to training with recognized qualifications and longer-term work opportunities overseas, resulting in productive wages and remittances.

H.E. Mr. Antonio Alessandro, Ambassador of the Republic of Italy, furthermore stated "Talent Partnerships encompass the elements required to match Italy's skilled labour demand with the skilled labour supply from Bangladesh, as well as to address the prevalence of unethical recruitment practices, irregular migration flows, economic exploitation, etc."'

H.E. Mr. Achim Tröster, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, furthermore highlighted Germany's hopes for the Talent Partnership project, saying, "Trafficking in persons, visa fraud, and other illegal practices are gross violations of human rights. These issues also diminish the opportunities for qualified and honest Bangladeshis who patiently wait their turn. We therefore combat these widespread practices with the full power of the law in Germany. We therefore welcome the Talent Partnership initiative and its emphasis on safe and regular skilled labour migration from Bangladesh to collaborating EU Member States.

The speeches were well received by the high-level representatives present, and the Moderator thanked the speakers for their favourable reception of the Talent Partnership initiative, and wished all present much success collaborating on skilled, safe and regular labour migration between Bangladesh and EU Member States.

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