Traditional Owners stand ground to enforce eviction of Adani
MEDIA RELEASE, Monday 24 August 2020
Traditional Owners have today re-established control of access to Wangan and Jagalingou country leading to the Adani Carmichael Coal Mine site, enforcing protection of their home lands.
Starting today, Traditional Owners will restrict Adani, and their contractors, movement to and from the mine site.
Traditional Owners issued Adani Australia with an eviction notice at the company's offices in Brisbane, Townsville and at the Carmichael mine site, last Thursday.
Today's action marks the start of a direct campaign of enforcing the eviction, led by the Wangan and Jagalingou tribal people, to protect Country.
The following can be attributed to Adrian Burragubba:
"Today we are re-establishing tribal control of our home lands.
"We will restrict Adani Australia and contractors free movement within Wangan and Jagalingou lands. These restrictions will not apply to the general public or local farming families.
"Adani are operating without authorisation within our boundaries.
"Adani have cleared land which is home to many sacred totemic animals.
"It is our duty as Wangan and Jagalingou people to act against Adani's Carmichael project that interferes with our ancient law and custom.
"We do not acknowledge the Queensland government's illegal land grab. We do not acknowledge any sham Adani agreements that were created without free, prior and informed consent of the Wangan and Jagalingou people.
"We demand an end to the destruction of our unceded territory. We demand Adani Australia abandon their Carmichael mine project immediately. We want them out, we want them to pack up and leave our tribal lands.
"We, the original Wangan and Jagalingou people, believe that it is our inalienable right given to us by our ancestors, to oppose the compulsory acquisition of all our lands and waters within our borders.
"As tribal warriors we will fight to defend our sovereignty and territorial integrity.
"We have been fighting colonisation in Wangan and Jagalingou territory since 1860. We have been fighting against Adani's mine for 10 years, and we will continue to do so.
"As the tribal warriors of the Wangan and Jagalingou people we will stand our ground."