Washington, DC: An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team, led by Julie Kozack, Deputy Director of the Western Hemisphere Department, and Luis Cubeddu, mission chief for Argentina, met with Argentina's Economy Minister Martin Guzmán and his team on July 8-12 in Venice, Italy, with the goal of deepening the technical work necessary to develop an IMF-supported program. The IMF mission team issued the following statement today at the conclusion of the Venice meetings:
"The Argentine authorities and IMF staff held productive meetings to further advance the technical work towards an IMF-supported program. The teams discussed the evolution of the global environment and the COVID-19 pandemic and their implications for Argentina's macroeconomic framework. Discussions focused on policies to strengthen the recovery, economic stability, and job creation. In particular, progress was made in identifying policy options to develop the domestic capital market, mobilize domestic revenue, and strengthen Argentina's external resilience.
"The IMF team and the Argentine authorities will continue working together in the period ahead with a view to further deepening their understandings in these key areas. Our goal is to support Argentina as it durably addresses its economic and balance of payment challenges."