Gunnedah Shire Council is continuing to undertake vital upgrades and improvements to the Gunnedah Showgrounds.
Council's successful applications under the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Showground Stimulus Funding Program has funded projects including storm water drainage; demolition of a stable block; upgrade of balustrade and railings on the main grandstand; and at the Griffiths Pavilion renovations to the kitchen, installation of six whirly-bird roof vents, and external lighting.
Council was successful with a second round of the funding under this program for an additional $136,923.60. This has enabled Council to also make improvements to the internal showground road, including the installation of kerb and gutter, internal street lighting and the sealing of the remaining section of road.
Council crews have been carrying out this work over the last few weeks and sealing the remainder of the internal road was completed this week.
Council's Director Infrastructure Services Jeremy Bartlett said the projects were identified from the Showground Masterplan and a priority list was created after further user-group consultation.
"Working together with the user groups to identify and prioritise upgrade projects at the Gunnedah Showground was an important part of the process when applying for the grant," Mr Bartlett said.
"We have nearly finalised all projects funded under the Stimulus Program, with the most recent completed being the sealing of the remainder of the internal road. This project was ranked highly in the feedback from the Showground User groups and it is great to see it completed."
Other improvements over the past few years, made possible through government funding have included new rodeo and camp draft arenas, new grandstand seating, a new amenities and shower block, and the refurbishment of existing amenities blocks.
Gunnedah Shire Mayor Jamie Chaffey said the Gunnedah Showground is a fantastic facility for the Gunnedah Shire. It hosts numerous local events, including the Gunnedah Show, Bird Expo, Gunnedah Showjumping Festival, Country Music Muster, Gunnedah Campdraft, and the Spring Rose Show, to name a few.
"The Showgrounds are also starting to attract more regional events. This year, the Gunnedah Pony Club will host the Zone Jamboree and Off the Track NSW will return again for its Championship Show.
"Our recently adopted Economic Development Strategy lists tourism as an opportunity for our Shire, event attraction is a great way of creating more economic diversity to grow our local economy and bring more visitors into town," Cr Chaffey said.
These upgrades will assist with the attraction of more regional events to the Showground, while also providing valuable improvements to this important community asset for local user groups to enjoy.
Caption: The works to the showground internal work is now complete.