The Victorian Government's Digital Inclusion Statement has recently been launched, which identifies the barriers to digital inclusion in Victoria and explains what we are doing to overcome them.
Digital inclusion is about making sure everyone can access the internet safely and effectively – to communicate with loved ones, gain skills and education, find jobs, use government services, and access goods and services.
We've identified four important gaps to address: access, affordability, capability and safety.
To improve access to digital technology, the Victorian Government has committed $550 million to fast-track better mobile and broadband across the state.
To help with affordability, it is providing free public WiFi in regional centres and through all public libraries.
A lack of digital capability can prevent people from fully taking part in our society and economy, so the Statement outlines initiatives to help Victorians upskill, including programs like 'Social Seniors', which provides practical workshops for senior Victorians.
Through the Cyber Strategy 2021, the Victorian Government is improving its own cyber security. By supporting Victorians to become more internet savvy and understand the importance of cybersecurity, the Victorian Government is helping people to protect themselves from online scams and fraud.