Improved access to Mount Field National Park is a step closer, with the designs now out for public consultation.
The Tasmanian Government is addressing site safety and improving parking options for longer vehicles including coaches and motor homes as part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future.
Minister for Parks, Nick Duigan, said we're now delivering on those improvements.
"The Tasmanian Government is investing $2.05 million in a new arrival concourse for the National Park. The upgrades will address capacity limitations, delivering better car parking facilities and improve wayfinding to the Visitor Centre," Minister Duigan said.
"Mount Field is one of Tasmania's oldest national parks and is part of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area.
"Each year, around 200,000 visitors explore what the area has to offer.
"That's why we are acting now, to deliver much needed improvements to enhance not only the visitor experience, but also deliver much needed safety improvements".
"The Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service have undertaken comprehensive options analysis, modelling and cultural and environmental assessment to determine the design for the arrival concourse and carpark improvements.
"We are continuing to invest in our Parks and Reserves to not only protect the environment but to also manage sustainable visitation recognising that our National Parks are a key drawcard for people wanting to visit Tasmania."
The Mount Field Arrival Concourse draft designs and information about the project are available here.