Improving safety at Blackhead Road

MidCoast Council

Work will begin in 2022 to construct a roundabout at The Lakes Way and Blackhead Road intersection, providing an important safety improvement for this busy route.

MidCoast Council has awarded the contract to Ditchfield Contracting, who are yet to confirm the start date for the project.

"We are experiencing a supply chain issue with the concrete pipes required for this project, so once the contractor secures supply, we'll be able to advise of a start date for the works," said Council's Manager Projects and Engineering, Rhett Pattison.

Funded by the Australian Government through Transport for NSW, this work will improve safety and traffic efficiency when the three way intersection is upgraded to a three-leg roundabout.

The plans include service adjustments, some changes to nearby property access, kerb and guttering, road and drainage works as well as bus bays and footpaths.

With works expected to take around eight months to complete, there will be significant periods of traffic control during the construction.

The community will be updated as the project progresses and should watch out for signage in the area.

"We will provide further updates closer to the commencement of works, however motorists can expect delays and should allow additional travel time and are encouraged to seek alternate routes where practical," added Rhett Pattison.

The car park, accessed from Blackhead Road and located adjacent to the intersection, will be closed for the duration of the project. Bus stop locations will also be shifted outside of the project area.

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