Indigenous Guardians Projects 2024-2025

Environment and Climate Change Canada

Recipient: Mikisew Cree First Nation - Government and Industry Relations

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year, ongoing initiative will study how oil sands development, particularly bitumen mining and hydroelectric projects, are affecting the health of the Peace-Athabasca Delta, the heart of Mikisew's traditional territory. Guardians work year-round to monitor water quality, collect data, track flood events, and monitor the fish population.

Project title: Ni Ho Ghe Di - ACFN Guardian Program Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation

Recipient: Dene Lands and Resource Management

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year initiative will monitor and report on activities that may cause harm to the ecology, traditional lands, or traditional resources of Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN), such as poaching and illegally hunting on the traditional territory, especially to protect Ronald Lake Buffalos. The initiative will also support youth to strengthen their cultural pride and connection to the land and develop on-the-land skills.

Project title: Guardians of the Territory - Dene Tha' First Nation

Recipient: Dene Tha' First Nation

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year initiative will engage in diverse activities, such as ecological restoration, supporting resource management plans, and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations. Guardians will protect and recover species at risk, manage land use in the proposed Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area at M'behcholia (Bistcho Lake, Alberta), and conduct environmental and wildlife monitoring.

Project title: Alexis Nakota Sioux Nations Guardians Initiative

Recipient: Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation

Funding amount: $346,400

Project description: This two-year initiative will involve conducting and analyzing aerial surveys, creating a geographic information system (GIS) data management and visualization system using R-Studio and ArcPY, and continue to develop the Stoney Land and Water Course.

British Columbia

Project title: Kitasoo Xai'xais Guardian Watchmen Program Enhancement

Recipient: Kitasoo Xai'xais Nation

Funding amount: $604,925

Project description: This two-year initiative focuses on marine and terrestrial surveying, along with compliance and enforcement practices involving education, observation, and reporting. The Guardians also actively participate in the Coastal Nations Coast Guard Auxiliary and undertake training for emergency response in search and rescue and oil spills.

Project title: Coastal Stewardship Network

Recipient: Great Bear Initiative Society

Funding amount: $499,785

Project description: This two-year initiative provides programming to the Coastal First Nations - Great Bear Initiative's eight member nations, who work directly with communities to support Guardians along the North and Central Coast and Haida Gwaii to track resource use and ecosystem health, provide training and professional development, raise awareness, and help establish a stewardship presence on the coast.

Project title: Songhees Nation Guardians Program

Recipient: Songhees Nation

Funding amount: $50,000

Project description: This one-year initiative continues work with community members, Band Council, and outside organizations to provide monitoring services, promote stewardship in the community, and restore habitat areas. This initiative helps establish stronger Indigenous presence on the water during fishing seasons, as it is critical in establishing more authority over fisheries and coastal resources on the land.

Project title: Lower Nicola Indian Band - Indigenous Guardians Program - Tier 1

Recipient: Lower Nicola Indian Band

Funding amount: $49,450

Project description: This one-year initiative aims to build capacity, skills, and knowledge for a new Guardians program in the community. This will involve mapping and indexing areas in the territory, engaging with Elders and knowledge keepers, engaging with the community, drafting a plan, and working with chief and council to ensure the vision aligns with the strategic plan.

Project title: Mamalilikulla First Nation Guardian Program

Recipient: Mamalilikulla First Nation

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year initiative involves ongoing activities where Guardians spend time on the land to collect data, monitor cultural sites, manage Grizzly Bear populations, plant crab apple trees to provide food for the bears, and improve fisheries. This work helps the Chief and Council make informed decisions.

Project title: Wet'suwet'en First Nation Guardian Initiative: A Holistic Approach

Recipient: Wet'suwet'en First Nation

Funding amount: $75,745

Project description: This one-year initiative will monitor and collect data on moose population and mortality rates, assess wildlife habitats, setup wildlife cameras, and conduct riparian assessments. It will also explore starting a water-monitoring program in identified priority areas. These efforts will help the community observe and document activities or cumulative effects that impact their ability to practice traditional ways of life.

Project title: Saulteau First Nations Indigenous Guardian Proposal

Recipient: Saulteau First Nations

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year initiative will help the community take leadership in monitoring, protecting, and restoring the lands and waters, which is essential for the health and well-being of the community. Activities include supporting safe food harvesting and cultural activities, protecting Klinse-za Park, monitoring climate changes, and understanding how events like forest fires affect the community, fluctuations in weather patterns, and alterations in animal movements and water availability.

Project title: Saik'uz Guardian Program

Recipient: Saik'uz First Nation

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year initiative will build upon long-term monitoring efforts through a self-sustaining, community-based Saik'uz Guardians Initiative. The Guardians will be guided by the wisdom of both Indigenous Knowledge and western science, for the purposes of empowerment and self-determination of the Nation's future connected to the water and land of the Territory.

Project title: P'egp'ig'lha Guardians

Recipient: P'egp'ig'lha Council / T'it'q'et First Nation

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year initiative will conduct patrols of the land to ensure territorial health and study wildlife and fisheries. Guardians play an essential role in protecting and restoring the Stein-Nahatlatch Grizzly Bear population, assisting with wildfire recovery, and strengthening collaboration with other nearby Guardian programs.

Project title: Pauquachin First Nation Marine Department - Stewardship Initiative

Recipient: Pauquachin First Nation

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year initiative monitors one of the most heavily travelled and utilized waterways within British Columbia. Guardians review culturally sensitive archaeological sites, harvesting areas, recreational and commercial fisheries use, environmental threats (pollution sources, dumping, illegal activities, and poaching), and conduct restoration in specified areas of importance. This initiative represents the community's interests, concerns, and objectives to ensure waterways, food, historical sites, and cultural practices continue for generations to come.

Project title: Takla Nation's Tier 2 Guardians Initiative

Recipient: Takla Nation

Funding amount: $499,959

Project description: This ongoing initiative monitors more than 30 established sites across Takla's lands and waters. This work is essential for Takla to implement environmental and cultural protections, including ensuring archaeological impact assessments are carried out by various proponents and government agencies align with Takla's Archaeology Policy. Additionally, it builds capacity to monitor the caribou and moose populations and sustains the Guardians program by fostering engagement with youth in the community.

Project title: Tsilhqot'in Guardian Network

Recipient: Tsilhqot'in National Government

Funding amount: $500,000

Project description: This two-year initiative, led by the Tsilhqot'in National Government in collaboration with six Tsilhqot'in communities-Xeni Gwet'in, Tlesqox, Tletinqox, Tsi Del Del, ?Esdilagh, and Yunesit'in-aims to integrate and strengthen Tsilhqot'in values in the management of the region's lands and waters. Working in partnership with provincial and federal land and water management agencies, the initiative will see Guardians will conducting patrols for hunting, fishing, and fire prevention, as well as wildlife- and water-monitoring research to ensure the sustainable stewardship of Tsilhqot'in territories.

Project title: Quatsino Axsilaxa Ahwheatnagwusn Guardians Program

Recipient: Quatsino First Nation

Funding amount: $342,765

Project description: This two-year initiative aims to support the implementation of the Quatsino Land Use Plan and the Marine Use Plan. This will be done through field-based work, such as data collection and monitoring. These efforts will be central to ecosystem restoration and establishing food security through the local harvesting of traditional foods.

Project title: nłeʔképmx Guardians

Recipient: Citxw Nlaka'pamux Assembly

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year initiative will continue to establish presence on the land and provide public education and awareness about the nłeʔképmx territory, protocols, and cultural practices. Guardians will monitor and record activities on the land with a focus on priority areas determined by the Citxw Nlaka'pamux Assembly. These priority areas include critical hunting, fishing, gathering, and other culturally important areas. nłeʔképmx Guardians will record, monitor, and manage for invasive species and will contribute to research regarding species at risk in the territory.

Project title: Supporting and Maintaining a Strong and Efficient Heiltsuk Guardian Watchmen Program

Recipient: Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department of the Heiltsuk Tribal Council

Funding amount: $349,499

Project description: This two-year initiative will focus on capacity-building, monitoring local aquatics ecosystems and community fisheries for safe harvesting and to support and reestablish this life-sustaining relationship between the people and territory.

Project title: Haa Aaní Tulatín - Taku River Tlingit First Nation Land Guardian Program

Recipient: Taku River Tlingit First Nation

Funding amount: $349,600

Project description: This two-year initiative will respond to threats to the territory and monitor salmon populations. The Guardians will work to strengthen salmon stewardship by organizing multi-day camps that focus on traditional fishing, intergenerational knowledge transfer, and on-the-land monitoring.

Project title: Spuzzum Nation Land Guardians Initiative

Recipient: Spuzzum Indian Band

Funding amount: $50,020

Project description: This one-year initiative will focus on protecting important ecosystems by monitoring key territorial and cultural sites, collecting ecological data, and safeguarding species like the endangered Northern Spotted Owl. The Guardians will also help to develop a framework for stewardship policies.

Project title: Kwadacha Nation Tier 2 Guardian Proposal

Recipient: Kwadacha Nation

Funding amount: $348,734

Project description: This two-year initiative aims to provide long-term ecological and cultural monitoring to track changes on key wildlife habitats, traditional food sources, and water sources. This will aid in discussing how potential changes may impact the roles and responsibilities of being Dena on the land.

Project title: Doig River First Nation Guardian Program

Recipient: Doig River First Nation

Funding amount: $349,188

Project description: This two-year initiative will focus on improving monitoring of the lands and waters by combining cultural methods and western science. Doig River First Nation Guardians will continue to monitor the health of the land, guided by members, and will work collaboratively with the government to address any impacts.

Project title: Nahnéhé Gegenı́hı / Kakinawetakwow Uski / FNFN Land Guardian Initiative

Recipient: Fort Nelson First Nation

Funding amount: $375,000

Project description: This two-year initiative supports the Fort Nelson First Nation (FNFN) stewardship, land management, and on-the-land cultural activities. The Guardian is guided by western science monitoring and research while grounded in Indigenous ways of knowing and understanding the health and condition of the lands and waters.

Project title: Scianew Guardians Initiative

Recipient: Beecher Bay First Nation

Funding amount: $348,614

Project description: This two-year initiative will work toward environmental conservation, monitoring, training for Guardians, impact assessments, land sovereignty, and marine safety. This will be done through partnerships with neighbouring nations, Western Canada Marine Response Corporation (WCMRC) and Kotug Canada.

Project title: USIB Land Guardian Program

Recipient: Upper Similkameen Indian Band

Funding amount: $391,894

Project description: This two-year initiative aims to address critical environmental challenges while deeply integrating Indigenous Knowledge, community engagement, and sustainable practices. The Guardians initiative emphasizes land conservation, sustainable resource management, and fostering ecosystem resilience.

Project title: Establishing Boothroyd Guardians Program

Recipient: Boothroyd Indian Band

Funding amount: $50,000

Project description: This one-year initiative will monitor environmental indicators within the territory, support restoration work in areas damaged by wildfire, and the subsequent erosion. Boothroyd Guardians will engage with land-user groups to increase understanding and respect for the environment.

Project title: TTQ Guardians Program Initiation Project

Recipient: TTQ Economic Development Corporation

Funding amount: $62,533

Project description: This one-year initiative aims to collect and organize Xa'xtsa's previously recorded cultural knowledge data, map priority areas, and develop a monitoring plan. The goal is to observe changes in the supply of traditional herbs and plants, the frequency and impacts of foraging on the land, vitality of salmon spawning, changes in unauthorized camping, and invasive plants and animals.

Project title: Wildfire Recovery Monitoring

Recipient: Okanagan Indian Band

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year initiative will assess the conditions of the White Rock Lake watershed before and after wildfires for the Okanagan Indian Band. The Guardians will conduct site assessments, inventory culturally significant resources, monitor wildlife, and assess the severity of burn damage to guide restoration efforts.

Project title: Nanwakolas - Stewarding Through Indigenous Scientific Knowledge

Recipient: Nanwakolas Council Society

Funding amount: $500,000

Project description: This two-year initiative will apply Kwakwaka'wakw values and Indigenous scientific knowledge on a variety of projects, including loxiwe (clam garden) restoration, canoe carving, hosting Guardian seasonal gathering events, as well as data collection on water, wildlife monitoring, climate change studies, and emergency response planning.

Project title: Continuing to Build the Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation) Guardians Programs Initiative

Recipient: Squamish Nation - Squamish Indian Band 555

Funding amount: $349,505

Project description: This two-year initiative will conduct stewardship activities, respond to climate events and emergencies, and increase public safety. The Guardians will continue to be on the land engaging and learning from Elders, knowledge keepers, and youth, as well as collaborating with other Nations to share information and build capacity across the National Guardians Network.

Project title: St'át'imc Land Guardians

Recipient: St'at'imc Government Services

Funding amount: $425,180

Project description: This two-year initiative will focus on the implementation of the St'át'imc Water Accord. This includes collecting baseline data of three intact watersheds and three impacted watersheds to assess water quality. Other activities include capacity-building and reviewing stories and legends through workshops/collaborative research with the Indigenous Law Research Unit.

Project title: Nak'azdli Whut'en Yinka Huwunline (Looking After/Taking Care) Guardians Program

Recipient: Nak'azdli Whut'en

Funding amount: $349,942

Project description: This two-year initiative will build geospatial mapping technology for Guardians to use in monitoring. It will create open portals for communication while protecting internal data and cultural information. The project will use remote sensing technology to create "living maps" that track seasonal phenology, quantify impacts, and present informed engagements on stewardship with industry, government, consultants, and academics.

Project title: Lake Babine Nation Yintah Guardians

Recipient: Lake Babine Nation

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year initiative will lead the collaborative stewardship of yintah Lake Babine Nation (LBN) territory and the resources of two cultural keystone species, talok (Sockeye Salmon) and khida (moose), to restore moose populations to culturally meaningful levels, and to support fish monitoring, habitat restoration, and collaborative management.


Project title: Seal River Watershed Alliance Land Guardians Network

Recipient: Seal River Watershed Alliance

Funding amount: $500,000

Project description: This two-year initiative will employ 14 youth and senior staff in Land Guardian positions across the four Nations of the Alliance. This initiative builds technical capacity and administers species and habitat identification, monitoring, and protection, and stewards the watershed.

Project title: Askiy Okanawaynichikaywuk (Keepers of the Land)

Recipient: York Factory First Nation

Funding amount: $349,860

Project description: This two-year initiative will maintain trails, monitor cultural and historic sites, observe changes in the land, and support respectful land use. Guardians will have a visible presence, doing community outreach, participating in land-based events, and helping to inform Council's decisions about land use, stewardship, and protection.

Project title: Pimachiowin Aki First Nations Guardians Network

Recipient: Pimachiowin Aki Corporation

Funding amount: $499,615

Project description: This two-year initiative will focus on seasonal fishing monitoring of Pickerel (Walleye), all-season road alignment, wildfire management, and climate change adaptation and mitigation. Guardians provide professional capacity and presence in Pimachiowin Aki, expressing Anishinaabe nationhood, as well as filling gaps in the Information Management System and provincial patrols and monitoring activities throughout the year.

Project title: SCO First Nations Guardians Regional Network

Recipient: Southern Chiefs' Organization Inc.

Funding amount: $500,000

Project description: This two-year initiative will focus on strengthening Indigenous jurisdiction over their traditional lands, capacity-building, training and skills development in environmental monitoring and management, and encouraging cooperation and collaboration between communities on stewardship and natural resource management issues.

Project title: SLFN Land-Water-Nature Indigenous Guardianship Stewardship Initiative

Recipient: Swan Lake First Nation

Funding amount: $349,285

Project description: This two-year initiative, together with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, will continue to evaluate the revegetation terraces and re-seed as necessary, monitor water quality from the tile drainage structure, and monitor wildlife and pollinator populations. The data collected will assist in understanding the success rate of this project in reducing nutrient pollution and enhancing ecosystems.

New Brunswick

Project title: Amlamgog Earth Keepers

Recipient: Fort Folly First Nation

Funding amount: $321,411

Project description: This two-year initiative will expand and enhance an existing salmon recovery initiative. This initiative will focus on flora and fauna monitoring, following the traditional guiding principle of Etuaptmumk (two-eyed seeing).

Project title: Wotstak First Nation Guardians Initiative - Tier 1

Recipient: Woodstock First Nation

Funding amount: $50,000

Project description: This one-year initiative will collect data and conduct ecosystem monitoring guided by Woodstock's Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge for conservation, with the goal of developing a land use plan.

Project title: Elugweieg Toqwe'gig ugjit Ugs'tqamu aq ugjit Sapo'nug (We Work Together for Earth and for Tomorrow)

Recipient: Esgenoôpetitj Watershed Association

Funding amount: $349,923

Project description: This two-year initiative will expand Esgenoôpetitj aquatic monitoring and governance, led by Esgenoôpetitj First Nation (EFN) Fishery Guardians in collaboration with Fisheries and Oceans Canada enforcement personnel in the management, conservation, and protection of the fisheries in the areas most utilized by the community.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Project title: Innu Nation Guardian Program

Recipient: Innu Nation - Environment and Parks Offices

Funding amount: $700,000

Project description: This two-year initiative will integrate the Sheshatshiu and Mushuau Innu (Natuashish) communities through environmental stewardship and cultural preservation. The initiative will focus on five objectives: creating additional Guardian positions, providing technical and safety training, hosting youth workshops for knowledge transfer, purchasing necessary equipment, and developing cultural initiatives to uphold and promote Innu traditions and ecological knowledge.

Nova Scotia

Project title: Re-Connecting Our People with the Land

Recipient: Eskasoni Fish & Wildlife Commission Inc.

Funding amount: $375,000

Project description: This two-year initiative will help protect the Eskasoni Watershed and the bio-cultural diversity within the Nation for future generations, as well as reconnecting the people with the land by supporting community-led research and conducting surveys to monitor the changes in the fisheries and ecosystems. The Guardians will be responsible for monitoring activities within the watershed that could impact fish habitat, fish passage, and other species at risk or culturally significant species. This initiative will also support designation of an Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area.

Project title: Nova Scotia Earth Keepers / Nuji kelo'toqatijik Network

Recipient: Unama'ki Institute of Natural Resources Society

Funding amount: $500,000

Project description: This two-year initiative includes gathering and sharing of Indigenous Knowledge, promoting Netukulimk hunting practices, and monitoring and data collection, including identifying areas suitable for cultural activities, harvesting of medical plants, monitoring species at risk, and education and outreach about culturally important species.

Northwest Territories

Project title: Ni hat'ni Dene (Watchers of the Land)

Recipient: Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation

Funding amount: $349,600

Project description: This two-year initiative maintains a long-term mandate to promote stewardship of Thaidene Nene, working full-time as caretakers of the land, water, and animals, ambassadors of the Dene way of life, and hosting visitors. Initiatives include protecting the Bathurst Caribou, passing on cultural knowledge to youth, and ensuring food security.

Project title: DKFN Guardians

Recipient: Deninu Kue First Nation

Funding amount: $333,055

Project description: This two-year initiative will monitor the lands and water. Guardians will patrol the land to ensure it is kept clean and will conduct water-quality sampling and clean fish monitoring.

Project title: LKFN Guardians and Climate Change Monitoring Project

Recipient: Łı́ı́dlı̨́ı̨́ Kų́ę́ First Nation

Funding amount: $349,961

Project description: This two-year initiative aims to monitor the environmental impacts of climate change in the Dehcho Region of Northwest Territories. The initiative will include monitoring of various indicators, such as permafrost melt, riverbank slumping/erosion, and shifting species populations. Guardians will be equipped with specialized training to monitor erosion, permafrost conditions, observe melt patterns, and assess the depth of thaw. This crucial data collection is important to assess the changing landscape.

Project title: Sahtu K'aowe Guardians Project in Support of the Tsá Tué Biosphere Reserve

Recipient: Délįnę Got'įnę Government

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year initiative supports monitoring of the Great Bear Lake and its watershed using two-eyed seeing methods (bridging western science and Indigenous Knowledge) for the conservation of biodiversity, ecological integrity, climate change adaptation, sustenance of local wildlife, and food security, as well as for cultural continuity and revitalization.


Project title: Environmental Stewardship on Air Quality Issues for Aamjiwnaang First Nation

Recipient: Aamjiwnaang First Nation

Funding amount: $48,732

Project description: This one-year initiative will monitor the air, water, and land surrounding Aamjiwnaang First Nation (AFN) that has been impacted by industry development. Guardians will identify environmental monitoring gaps (for example, soil, water, air, fish, plants, and species at risk), develop plans for data collection, improve emergency notification, as well as community responses to petroleum refineries, chemical plants, and other industrial facilities in proximity to AFN.

Project title: Temagami First Nation Guardians

Recipient: Temagami First Nation

Funding amount: $451,000

Project description: This two-year initiative prioritizes water quality, species, and habitat protection; preservation of Indigenous wisdom; and data collection and monitoring. Guardians will be engaged in monitoring, recording, and reporting activities related to land use and environmental protection. Specific attention will be given to Lake Temagami, including monitoring ice huts, houseboats, shores, and more.

Project title: Atikameksheng Anishnawbek - Phase 2 - Monitoring of Atikameksheng Traditional Land

Recipient: Atikameksheng Anishnawbek

Funding amount: $347,263

Project description: This two-year initiative will help with the collection of maple sap during Sugar Moon and other food harvestings, which is provided to Elders and the Nations' food bank. Guardians will monitor the lands, conduct field site inspections for proposed forestry cuts to ensure grandmother trees are protected, and complete daily field work sheets and site inspections that will provide important environmental information on spills, violations, and forestry cuts.

Project title: Anishinabek Traditional Ecological Guardians of Georgian Bay

Recipient: Magnetawan First Nation

Funding amount: $500,000

Project description: This two-year initiative supports land-based learning, knowledge transfer, and technical skills training on species at risk, species monitoring, data collections, and other land-management activities using the two-eyed seeing approach. The initiative will also help to strengthen capacity and sustainable management for other First Nation groups.

Project title: Charting the Path Ahead - Anishinaabe Aki Shkabewisag (Niiwin Wendaanimok Anishinaabe Guardians Network)

Recipient: Niiwin Wendaanimok Limited Partnership

Funding amount: $500,000

Project description: This two-year initiative will support four Anishinaabe Nations to mitigate and monitor compliance on development in the territory; increase capacity to care for lands, water, plants, and animals; and work collaboratively to identify individual needs and create personalized coaching and mentorship programs. The Anishinaabe Guardians will identify and protect areas of significance by interviewing Elders and knowledge keepers.

Project title: Ketegaunseebee Aki Guardians

Recipient: Garden River First Nation

Funding amount: $301,400

Project description: This two-year initiative will assist Garden River First Nation in monitoring and protecting the St. Marys River and the lands to uphold a treaty made with neighbouring Indigenous Nations. The initiative will focus on capacity-building, community engagement, and fieldwork including patrolling, monitoring species at risk and invasive species, and forestry.

Project title: Four Rivers Regional Guardians Network

Recipient: Matawa First Nations Management

Funding amount: $389,771

Project description: This two-year initiative focuses on environmental stewardship and capacity-building in nine Matawa First Nations. The Four Rivers Regional Guardian Network will engage in virtual and in-person networking to expand its knowledge and capacity, including cultural exchanges within the network.

Project title: Biinjitawaabik Zaaging Anishnaabek Community Guardians

Recipient: Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishnaabek Rocky Bay First Nation

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year initiative will implement sturgeon and mining site protocols, conduct environmental monitoring analysis, map the Lake Nipigon basin, and integrate the data into a geographic information system database.

Project title: The Height of Land Wakohtowin Guardian Program - Treaty No.9

Recipient: Wahkohtowin Development General Partnership Inc.

Funding amount: $499,300

Project description: This two-year initiative is designed to enhance traditional knowledge, practices, and way of life within the communities. Guardians will have first-hand experience in how ecosystem services and the conservation economy work.

Project title: The Neya Waban Guardian Program - Caretakers of the Land

Recipient: Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation

Funding amount: $349,650

Project description: This two-year initiative will gather crucial information that will support decision-making, identify quality habitat areas for wildlife, and develop management plans and protocols. The Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation will continue to conduct Algonquin knowledge-based data collection to further protect the lands, water, animals, and air for the eleven communities across Ontario and Quebec.

Project title: Mnisinoog (Warriors for the Bay): Shawanaga First Nation's Guardians Program

Recipient: Shawanaga First Nation

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year initiative focuses on improving aquatic life by using river monitors to sustain and protect the health of the river ecosystem. Aquatic stewardship takes precedence with creel surveys, wide-scale monitoring of waterbodies, and a detailed study on fish consumption.

Project title: Caldwell First Nation Land Guardian Program

Recipient: Caldwell First Nation

Funding amount: $345,840

Project description: This two-year initiative will focus on education, training, on-the-land learning with technical experts and knowledge holders, and listening sessions with the community. The Guardians will review class environmental assessments on behalf of Caldwell First Nation, monitor and participate in environmental projects in the Territory, and build multi-year capacity initiatives with emphasis on supporting the creation, development, and management of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas within traditional territory.

Prince Edward Island

Project title: Lennox Island First Nation Guardians Program

Recipient: Lennox Island First Nation

Funding amount: $346,800

Project description: This two-year initiative will help better manage, protect, and utilize the marine resources the community relies on. It will allow the Lennox Island watershed conservation group to participate in coastal erosion studies, take part in fisheries workshops (lobster-handling practices), a Black Ash reforestation project, and the development of a modernized solid-waste management plan.

Project title: Abegweit Guardians

Recipient: Abegweit First Nation

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year initiative embodies a cultural and traditional approach to natural resource management. The initiative also includes data collection and monitoring, and focusing on the use of lands, waters, and resources on traditional territories, including cultural sites.


Project title: Gardiens du Ndakina

Recipient: W8banaki

Funding amount: $500,000

Project description: This two-year initiative will support the sustainability of traditional practices of members of the Nation, protect their rights to access ancestral territory, and preserve cultural heritage. This initiative will create conservation spaces, share and transfer Indigenous Knowledge, mentor youth, engage with the community, and promote food sovereignty, as well as many other activities.

Project title: Pushing Forth: Taking the Pessamit Land Guardians to the Next Level

Recipient: Conseil des Innus de Pessamit

Funding amount: $349,550

Project description: This two-year initiative includes a team of six territorial agents, specializing in data collection, surveillance of the lands, and comprehensive inventories of biodiversity and ecosystem processes. The initiative will focus on monitoring and assessments, conducting an inventory of cultural sites, developing expertise in sampling, and community engagement and visibility.

Project title: Gardiens de territoire Abitibiwinnik

Recipient: Première Nation Abitibiwinni

Funding amount: $195,931

Project description: This two-year initiative will continue to train community members to conduct land surveillance and acquire new skills and knowledge from field work, utilizing both Indigenous Knowledge and western science. The initiative aims to document information acquired from Guardians' activities, community members, and Elders.

Project title: Cumulative Effects Assessment of Chisasibi's Intertidal Zones: Integrating Science, Tradition, and Stewardship

Recipient: Cree Nation of Chisasibi

Funding amount: $348,468

Project description: This two-year initiative will focus on integrating western science, Indigenous Knowledge, and stewardship to address key challenges in the Chisasibi community. The initiative will study the impact of development by reviewing existing research, mapping the community, analyzing vegetation, and collecting environmental samples. Additionally, it will build capacity through workshops and a mentorship initiative involving Kinwhapmaakins (Trapline Managers/Guardians). All data will be collected and combined into a detailed report on cumulative effects.

Project title: Gardiens Atikamekw de Manawan

Recipient: Conseil des Atikamekw de Manawan

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year initiative will enhance the role of the Guardians in working with non-Indigenous land users and partners within the heart of the Nation and the community. This next phase focuses on being active on the land, collecting data, establishing an official community-recognized mandate, and increasing capacity and training, as well as strengthening the role of the Guardians within the community.

Project title: Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Nagadjitòdjig Guardian Initiative

Recipient: Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation

Funding amount: $594,020

Project description: This two-year initiative will monitor and inventory cultural keystone species, wild foods, and trees. The Guardians will provide water quality studies, identify culturally significant sites, and record videos to document traditional practices and activities.

Project title: Protection et participation à la mise en valeur de l'héritage Pekuakamiulnuatsh sur Nitassinan

Recipient: Pekuakamiulnuatsh Takuhikan

Funding amount: $49,995

Project description: This one-year initiative aims to ensure the protection and preservation of the territory while maintaining the well-being of the Nation's community members as they conduct their Nation's traditional activities. The Guardians play a crucial role in supporting the Nation's community, in land surveillance, and accompanying community members onto the Nation's land.

Project title: Essipiu Assinu Nakatuenitamu (celui qui prend soin du territoire d'Essipit)

Recipient: Conseil de la Première Nation des Innus Essipit

Funding amount: $246,308

Project description: This two-year initiative supports responsible governance and occupation of the Nation's territory, land surveillance, and participation in community events, as well as collaboration on a variety of projects that encourage learning and skill development for Guardians and community members.

Project title: Nutshimiunnuat d'ITUM (gardiens du Nitassinan d'ITUM)

Recipient: Innu Takuaikan Uashat mak Mani-Utenam

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year initiative consists of monitoring, protecting, and carrying out stewardship activities in the traditional territory of the Nation. Its objective is to ensure surveillance on the land and protection of the Nation, as well as contribute to studies and inventories on the impacts of climate change and industrial development within the territory.

Project title: Iakwatonhontsanónhnha (We All Mind Her, the Earth)

Recipient: Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke

Funding amount: $256,416

Project description: This two-year initiative will develop an Environmental Charter for the community, helping to define roles and responsibilities of Conservation Officers. It will also consult on a Rights of Nature approach to protect the St. Lawrence River.


Project title: File Hills Qu'Appelle Guardian Initiative

Recipient: File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council

Funding amount: $354,180

Project description: This two-year initiative will monitor and document the health of waterways, including water quality, medicines, and the condition of riverbanks, focusing specifically on the Lower Qu'Appelle River and Chain of Lakes. It will also work to revitalize language and land stewardship practices.

Project title: Monitoring and Protection of Athabasca Denesųłiné Nuhenéné in Saskatchewan

Recipient: Ya'thi Néné Land and Resource Office

Funding amount: $498,916

Project description: This two-year initiative will monitor lands and waters in Nuhenéné including Indigenous Protected Areas, caribou harvest areas, mineral exploration, and extraction activities. Guided by Elders, a focus of the Ya'thi Néné Lands and Resources' Guardians is to connect youth back to the land and build future leaders in sustainable management practices.

Project title: The Birch Narrows Dene Nation Nuh Nene Strategic Plan

Recipient: Birch Narrows Dene Nation

Funding amount: $49,917

Project description: This one-year initiative will monitor the land, combining ancestral wisdom with modern ecological approaches. Strategic partnerships with neighbouring First Nations and partners, such as Tamarack Environmental Associates, NexGen Energy Ltd., and Fission Uranium Corp. will amplify the impact of conservation efforts. Through training, mentorship, and community engagement, the initiative will help the Nuh Nene Department in its goal of safeguarding cultural identity and the natural environment.

Project title: Pheasant Rump Nakota First Nation Community-Based Guardians Initiative

Recipient: Pheasant Rump Nakota First Nation

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year initiative aims to enhance capacity-building by training and employing youth to collect and analyze data about climate change and industrial impacts in the territory. Data will be used to draft a Land Use Management Plan to inform the Chief and Council's decision-making on stewardship initiatives and habitat management to ensure sustainable sources of traditional food for the community.

Project title: Muskowekwan First Nation Community-Based Guardians Initiative

Recipient: Muskowekwan First Nation

Funding amount: $350,000

Project description: This two-year initiative aims to enhance capacity-building for community members to monitor and understand the impacts of climate change. This will provide youth with an opportunity to be trained in Indigenous Knowledge, western science, and climate and environmental monitoring practices, including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing, participatory mapping, and knowledge gathering.


Project title: Teechik Land Guardians: Nanh gwiinzii vik'ite'tri'giikhii (We Read the Land Well)

Recipient: Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation

Funding amount: $349,333

Project description: This two-year initiative will operate a network of camera traps to monitor predator-prey interactions on the Old Crow winter road and conduct baseline fish and water sampling at the headwaters of the Porcupine River. The Guardian Coordinator will be tasked with organizing patrols, analyzing monitoring data, and preparing communication material for community members and leaders. This capacity-building will strengthen monitoring efforts by enabling the initiative to process more samples, improve use of camera data, and allow Guardians to establish an annual trapping camp to expand into furbearer monitoring.

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