Indigenous themed Waste truck unveiled

Indigenous Waste truck

The history of Camden will become a talking point with a special Indigenous themed waste truck joining Council's fleet recently.

Local indigenous artist Melissa Barton, also known as Alkiira Indigenous Art, designed the artwork emblazoned on one of our waste trucks, depicting, and celebrating the strength, unity, community, and teamwork shared between the Dharawal, Dharug and Gundangurra people to care for Country in and around Camden.

"Camden is a melting pot of where all three of these strong nations meet. Country underneath, Mother sun up-above and the mighty Nepean River to the east," Ms Barton said.

"It's an absolute privilege to be able to say that my creation is moving around Camden each day.

"To have my culture showcased daily on such a huge medium is wonderful. If the artwork on the truck can start one conversation or enquiry into local Aboriginal culture, then I've done my job."

Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, said it was important to promote the area's heritage in as many ways as possible.

"Council is committed to building and maintaining strong links with the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community as well as celebrating the rich and vibrant culture of Australia's Indigenous people," Cr Fedeli said.

"The artwork not only helps educate the community but will also act to start conversations about local Aboriginal culture which is very important.

"Residents will see our newly wrapped Indigenous branded waste truck throughout the area, and I thank local artist Melissa Barton for her fantastic work."

The waste truck is one of the many community messages we have, with other waste truck artwork including community road safety messages, breast cancer awareness, men's and women's health, mental health and much more.

For more information on Council's waste services, go to

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