InFocus photographic competition winners announced

The coveted plunge Arts & Culture category prize of $500 goes to Minya Holroyd for her photo taken at the inaugural Riverlight Festival in Ulmarra last year.

Minya's photograph, Riverlight – Celebrating the Clarence - will be the image featured on the cover of the plunge Arts & Culture festival program for 2023.

Winners of the other categories and also a $500 prize are:

  • Coastal Emus Walking - Joy Hayman Ward, winner InFocus2022, Compact category

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  • Beach Days - Sean Sacco, winner InFocus 2022, Mobile category


  • Up Close and Personal - Theresa Haley, winner InFocus 2022, Digital category

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A $200 prize is also awarded to the Youth Category winner Levi Kidd for his photo Trimming Down the Line.

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The winning photos will be on display in the Grafton Regional Gallery courtyard during April as part of the plunge festival celebrations.

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