The Malinauskas Labor Government will step in to accelerate the delivery of houses in Angle Vale which have stalled due to a lack of civil infrastructure and stakeholders subsequently locked in a stalemate.
Investigations have begun to apply an Infrastructure Scheme to the undeveloped areas of the Angle Vale township, to ensure thousands of allotments currently zoned for the area can be developed.
The previous framework for delivering growth in Angle Vale required multiple Infrastructure Deeds to be negotiated between each individual landowner, the City of Playford and the State Government to deliver common infrastructure such as roads, kerbs, footpaths, street lighting and stormwater.
Currently, there's insufficient funding within the existing deeds to deliver the public infrastructure and subsequently, the stakeholders are locked in a stalemate over funding, stalling the delivery of houses.
The original deeds were executed in 2011 and the funds collected by the deeds have not kept up with the increased costs of the infrastructure and construction over the years. The only way to increase the prescribed rate beyond indexation required consent from all landowners.
An Infrastructure Scheme will consolidate all parties into one agreement, with a coordinator to oversee the delivery of the scheme.
Investigations for the Infrastructure Scheme will include submissions from landholders, developers and the council, as well as SA Water and the Department for Infrastructure and Transport.
The potential scheme will ensure new infrastructure is fully scoped, costed, timed and financed before works commence.
An Infrastructure Scheme will apportion costs of infrastructure between landholders in the Angle Vale area, the Council and other asset owners.
It is anticipated that the investigation will take three to six months to complete.
To help expedite the delivery of public infrastructure, the Malinauskas Labor Government will introduce new statewide engineering and design standards.
The creation of the consistent engineering standards is a key initiative of the Housing Roadmap and will make it cheaper and faster to deliver the civil infrastructure for greenfield residential developments.
As put by Nick Champion
We have houses at Angle Vale waiting to be built but there's no action because there's not enough money to deliver the civil infrastructure and all parties are at an impasse.
The numerous developers and the council can't agree on a way forward, so the Government will intervene.
An Infrastructure Scheme will ensure this essential work is delivered in a coordinated and timely manner.