Innovative design sought for Cairns Gallery Precinct

The search has begun for innovative, world-class designs for a new gallery for the Cairns Gallery Precinct.

The new gallery will enhance the existing precinct, which connects three heritage listed buildings – the Cairns Art Gallery, the Court House and the former Mulgrave Shire Council office – and the site of the former Council administration building at 51 The Esplanade.

Expressions of Interest (EOI) open tomorrow (23 July) for the project, which also includes a master plan outlining how the four exhibition spaces will work together to create a unique cultural experience that will be heralded as a destination showcasing First Nations artwork as well as exhibitions from across Australia and internationally.

Suitably qualified firms are invited to outline their experience and ideas showing how the precinct can best be used to create a world-class cultural experience, and a destination showcasing First Nations and internationally acclaimed art.

The EOI will allow Council to short list candidates for a Request for Tender process that will provide $10,000 in funding per firm to further develop their idea into a design concept. The overall process will include robust detailed costings to ensure the new gallery building is progressed to a 'shovel ready state'.

Acting Mayor Terry James said the two-stage process was designed to attract the best ideas from across the country.

"We want Australia's best minds working on this project and will be searching far and wide to develop a vision that will truly wow visitors," Cr James said.

"The requirements in the EOI are deliberately loosely defined to encourage innovation and creativity to develop a unique precinct that supports our ambition to be the arts and culture capital of Northern Australia."

Funding for the Precinct Master Plan and design of the new gallery is part of an agreement with the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning for $10 million as part of the Regional Recovery Partnerships Program.

The EOI will be available on Tenderlink via Council's website from 9am on Saturday 23 July and close at 4.30pm on Friday 19 August.

The Request for Tender process is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

Stages of the Cairns Gallery Precinct

Stage 1 (complete): Court House heritage upgrade and restoration.

Stage 2 (mostly completed): Demolition of the "L Shape" 51 The Esplanade building (former Council administration offices)

Stage 3 (underway): Restoration of the former Mulgrave Shire Offices

Stages 4 & 5A (Two-Stage Tender Process July – December 2022): Concept and detailed design for the proposed new gallery including wider precinct integration and connectivity.

Stage 5B (subject to funding): New gallery construction and final precinct integration.

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