Inquiring Mind Honoured

Family history buff and long-time Knox resident Gail White has been recognised for sharing her passion for lifelong learning with a Victorian Senior of the Year Award.

The former librarian has supported hundreds of people to keep their minds active, learn computer research skills and make friends through shared interests.

"Why should anyone be sitting at home watching Days of our Lives when there is so much out there," she says. "You're never too old to keep learning about the world.

"These days, you really have to have computer skills to do family history because the majority of the records are online. So, you need your wits about you. You're diving in like a detective to work out: now, is this John Smith yours or not? There's a lot of deducing and thinking about people."

Gail, whose great great grandmother arrived in Melbourne from Cornwall in 1842, says researching family history can take people around the world.

"Family history extends to more than just collecting names," she says. "It's about why did they leave their countries … also, when they got here, how did they get on? It does take you out a bit because you go visit places where your ancestors lived. If you're lucky enough and can afford it, you can go overseas, which I have done many times. Also, walking around cemeteries hunting down tombstones is good exercise."

Gail also shares her passion by speaking at service clubs such as Rotary and Probus.

When she's not buried in books and family history research, Gail may be found digging around in her garden and creating habitat to support local wildlife, as part of the Knox Gardens for Wildlife and Open Gardens Victoria programs.

"We should celebrate the people who are able to be active and involved," she says. "There's such a variety of things that people can get involved in, from physical to mental. It is never too late to find a new interest, which will help to exercise your brain and to share your interest with like-minded people."

Find out about Council's active ageing initiatives - call 9298 8828 or email

Find out about Knox Gardens for Wildlife .

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