Inside $50M Glen Innes Hospital Revamp Unveiled


The Glen Innes community can take the first look inside the $50 million Hospital Redevelopment, with new fly through video providing a virtual tour of the new hospital.

The NSW Government is investing $50 million in the Glen Innes Hospital Redevelopment to deliver a modern hospital with new and refurbished facilities to meet the health needs of the community into the future.

The animation has been released alongside the schematic design for the redevelopment, and the community is being encouraged to provide feedback at community information sessions taking place in April.

Planning and design for the redevelopment is progressing, which will deliver a new hospital building including an expanded emergency department, medical imaging department, ambulance drop-off and bays, and mortuary.

The redevelopment will also provide a new main entry to the hospital from Ferguson Street to enhance access to health services for patients, carers and visitors, and includes a new driveway that will lead to a drop-off area outside the new hospital building. When the project is complete, the Macquarie Street entrance will be reserved for ambulance use, staff parking, deliveries and service vehicles.

Community feedback has helped shape the design of the new brick building and interiors, which has been inspired by the local region's architecture and natural materials and complements the existing infrastructure on the hospital campus.

Community information sessions will take place at Mackenzie Mall (outside Coles) on:

  • Tuesday, 1 April from 4:00pm-6:00pm
  • Wednesday, 2 April from 12:00pm-2:00pm

The feedback on the designs can be provided until Monday, 7 April 2025.  

Construction timeframes will be confirmed following statutory planning approvals and the appointment of a building contractor.

To learn more about the project visit the Glen Innes Hospital Redevelopment webpage.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Health, Ryan Park: 

"Staff and community consultation has been considered in developing the latest design for the redevelopment, which will deliver new and refurbished health facilities to support the needs of Glen Innes and surrounding communities.

"I'm pleased to see the new hospital building will enhance access to vital health services for the community."

Quotes attributable to Government Spokesperson for Northern Tablelands, Peter Primrose

"I encourage the community to have their say on this next stage of the Glen Innes Hospital Redevelopment design, which will be considered as part of the final planning and design process.

"Planning and design will continue with staff and key stakeholders over the coming months to finalise the detailed design before the planning process is completed and tender is released for a builder."

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