Priorities for intensive care in times of crisis are something that has interested the Centre for Health Crisis Expert Coordinator Märit Halmin for some time. She is the guest editor of a special issue of Läkartidningen on the subject, where she writes alongside several other experts in the field.

During the weeks 38-39 (23 September - 6 October), Läkartidningen publishes a special issue on prioritising intensive care. Märit Halmin, expert coordinator in intensive care with limited resources at the Centre for Health Crises, is guest editor of the issue. She wants to raise awareness of this important issue, make the topic of prioritisation a matter for further discussion, improve transparency around the fact that they are done and clarity around how they are done.
Märit is interviewed in the magazine and has also written one of the articles. Other contributors include Niklas Juth, Professor, Centre for Research Ethics and Bioethics, Uppsala University; Eva Hannerz Schmidtke, MD, Specialist Physician, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Deputy Chief Physician at Uppsala University Hospital; Lars Sandman, Professor, Health Care Ethics, Prioritisation Centre, Linköping University; Erik Gustavsson, Senior Lecturer, Applied Ethics, Prioritisation Centre, Linköping University; Johnny Hillgren, Consultant, Head of Operations, VO Anaesthesia, Region Gävleborg and Lars Engerström, MD, Consultant at Vrinnevi Hospital, Norrköping and the Thoracic Vascular Clinic, Linköping University Hospital.
Läkartidningen is published in Swedish (with summaries) and sent to subscribers, but several of the articles are also available for free on their website: Theme Priorities for ICU