Interest Sought for Health, Aged Care Pricing Data

Department of Health

The Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) is looking for additional residential aged care providers to expand their Residential Aged Care Cost Collection 2024-25.

Last year more than 100 residential aged care providers participated, giving valuable cost data information for IHACPA's pricing advice to the Australian Government.

If your aged care home did not take part last year, express your interest to participate in their expanded cost collection.

IHACPA is particularly interested in hearing from homes providing care for:

  • older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • rural and remote areas
  • specialised homelessness
  • government residential aged care
  • culturally and linguistically diverse groups
  • specialised dementia care units.

The cost collection will run from March to August 2025.

Express your interest by 31 August 2025.

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