The desire to feel like we belong in a community is a human trait deeply embedded within us. The connections we make with others are amongst the most important things in life.
Jesus Christ himself taught (see Matthew 22:37-40) that our love for the people we contact is second only in importance to our love for God. For Carinity, our Guiding Purpose is 'Following the example of Jesus Christ, we exist to reflect God's love to people in need.'
Therefore, building and facilitating connections is central to everything we do at Carinity and is reflected in our vision to create communities where people are loved, accepted and supported to reach their full potential.
We understand the benefits of staying active and engaged with the world around us at all stages of life - and we are dedicated to enhancing and solidifying the connections that our clients have with people around them and the broader community.
These important social connections are visible every day in our aged care homes, where seniors live a life with purpose in the caring communities which we facilitate.
School students know the value of giving back to others and are active participants in social endeavours such as engaging in intergenerational activities.
The sense of community is ever-present in our retirement villages where friends - old and new - enjoy each other's company in a communal environment during this special season of their lives.
People living with disability and those facing challenges in their lives can often feel isolated and withdrawn from society, which is why Carinity has introduced a number of initiatives in recent times aimed at offering enrichment and support to these people's lives.
We remain fully committed to ensuring vulnerable people who use our services know that we are by their side, and we care.