Interior Dept. Disburses $353.6M from Gulf Leases

Interior Department

Today, the Department of the Interior announced the disbursement of approximately $353.6 million in energy revenues to the four Gulf of America oil- and gas-producing states - Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, and their coastal political subdivisions such as counties and parishes. Since 2009 when Interior began disbursing funds, $2.35 billion has been shared with the states and their coastal political subdivisions. The funds, disbursed annually, are generated from offshore oil and gas production and support coastal protection, restoration, and infrastructure projects.

The Gulf of America is a critical resource in ensuring that America can become Energy Dominant and meet demands through domestic sources. On average, 58 percent of oil production on federal lands and waters comes from the Gulf of America.

The revenue-sharing model for Gulf states to receive a portion of the funds generated from leasing in the Outer Continental Shelf of the Gulf was established by 43 U.S.C. §1331 (note 2017), which also directs a percentage of revenue to the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

The following amounts were disbursed to states and their subdivisions:

State of Alabama and CPS

State of Alabama $39,859,854.50
Baldwin County $4,671,472.59
Mobile County $5,293,491.03
TOTAL $49,824,818.12

State of Louisiana and CPS

Louisiana $125,050,129.26
Assumption Parish $1,025,464.30
Calcasieu Parish $1,691,599.51
Cameron Parish $2,095,270.05
Iberia Parish $1,617,013.86
Jefferson Parish $2,538,055.46
Lafourche Parish $1,612,213.11
Livingston Parish $1,324,981.91
Orleans Parish $2,223,226.51
Plaquemines Parish $3,054,731.28
St. Bernard Parish $1,492,991.04
St. Charles Parish $1,099,023.50
St. James Parish $957,770.53
St. John the Baptist Parish $1,025,794.24
St. Martin Parish $1,153,184.03
St. Mary Parish $1,340,878.69
St. Tammany Parish $1,770,663.34
Tangipahoa Parish $1,269,944.93
Terrebonne Parish $2,358,245.58
Vermilion Parish $1,611,480.47
TOTAL $156,312,661.60

State of Mississippi and CPS

Mississippi $41,527,624.61
Hancock County $1,966,677.94
Harrison County $4,087,670.00
Jackson County $4,327,558.21
TOTAL $51,909,530.76

State of Texas and CPS

Texas $76,431,988.96
Aransas County $772,780.45
Brazoria County $1,282,516.97
Calhoun County $1,033,865.57
Cameron County $1,087,926.78
Chambers County $660,012.74
Galveston County $1,682,367.03
Harris County $3,784,614.80
Jackson County $497,295.91
Jefferson County $1,265,979.39
Kenedy County $1,068,458.89
Kleberg County $768,163.51
Matagorda County $1,473,300.18
Nueces County $999,400.24
Orange County $627,672.76
Refugio County $476,143.51
San Patricio County $498,526.47
Victoria County $511,925.94
Willacy County $617,046.11
TOTAL $95,539,986.21

TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $ 353,586,996.69

Disbursements for the four Gulf-producing states and their coastal political subdivisions are subject to a revenue-sharing cap of $375 million annually and the sequestration requirements in 2 U.S.C. 901a(6)(B), and OMB Circular A-11, Section 100.4.

Revenue-sharing allocations and disbursement details are available on the Department's website.

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