Interstate Trade EOIs Open to Aid Ex-TC Alfred Recovery

The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) has today released a new Expression of Interest (EOI) form to encourage interstate tradespeople to assist with recovery and rebuilding efforts following ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred.

The initiative is aimed at connecting skilled tradespeople from across the country with insurers and their builders responding to impacted customers across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales.

Trades such as electricians, builders, plasterers and roofers from interstate and New Zealand are encouraged to apply.

Applicants will be requested to provide details of their expertise and availability before their details are made available to insurers.

The ICA is also engaging with Queensland authorities on Automatic Mutual Recognition of qualifications to ensure the rapid on-boarding of interstate and trans-Tasman surge workers when Queenslanders are most in need.

The success of the EOI initiative will be evaluated in three months' time.

Those interested in submitting an EOI can do so via the portal on the ICA's website at

The total claim count now sits above 53,000, and insurers are working hard to get people back in their homes and kickstart their recovery. More detailed claims data can be found in this table below:

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