As put by Inspector Danny Kirk, Tairawhiti Area Commander:
Police are investigating reports of shots being fired at a house in Gisborne - the latest in a series of incidents believed to be gang-related.
About 6:30am today, Police were called to Ranfurly Street after someone living nearby heard a gunshot.
On arrival, Police determined that a house in the street had been shot at while people were inside.
It's incredibly fortunate no one was injured.
Detectives are investigating this and other incidents in the Kaiti and Mangapapa areas last week, and believe them to be gang-related.
Police are working closely with gang leaders to work to de-escalate the conflict, and officers will maintain a highly-visible presence in the Gisborne area. Police have no tolerance for behaviour that presents a serious risk to public safety and our response to incidents of violence will be stern.
Anyone who has immediate concerns for their safety, or that of anyone else, is asked to please call 111.