Investigations Ongoing, Charges Laid in Wetherill Park Shooting

A man will appear in court today charged as investigations continue into a public-place shooting in Sydney's west.

About 7.15pm on Friday 25 August 2023, police were called to Blackfriar Place, Wetherill Park, following reports of a shooting.

About 35 minutes later, an 18-year-old man presented to a hospital where he received treatment for a gunshot wound.

A crime scene was established and forensically examined, with cartridges and a mobile phone seized.

Detectives from Fairfield City Police Area Command established Strike Force Bossy to investigate the circumstances surrounding the shooting.

Following inquiries, investigators arrested the 18-year-old man yesterday (Saturday 2 September 2023), on his discharge from hospital.

He was taken to Merrylands Police Station where he was charged with acquire prohibited firearm subject prohibition order, acquire firearm without licence or permit, participate criminal group contribute criminal activity, and breach of bail.

Fairfield City Police Area Commander, Superintendent Michael McLean, said the community should not tolerate violent behaviour which makes them feel unsafe.

"NSW Police will continue to engage in high-visibility police operations and actively target those individuals who engage in violent acts," Supt McLean said.

The man was refused bail to appear before Parramatta Local Court today (Sunday 3 September 2023).

Inquiries under Strike Force Bossy are continuing.

Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or Information is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report information via NSW Police social media pages.

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