Investing In Regional Road Upgrades In Victoria

Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

The Albanese Government is supporting regional Victorian councils with critical road upgrades through the Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure Program (SLRIP).

$13.7 million will help fund five new projects which will mean safer and more resilient roads for communities across the state.

The Swan Hill Council will receive almost $5 million for the Karinie Street Reconstruction Project. This project will include drainage improvements, kerb and channel replacement, an all-abilities shared-path, road line-marking and improved lighting.

In Leongatha South, the South Gippsland Shire Council will receive $2.4 million to relocate the Simons Lane intersection with the Bass Highway to a safer new location. The relocated intersection will incorporate dedicated turn lanes, road pavement improvements and lighting.

Other projects receiving funding include:

  • $878,080 for Yarriambiack Shire Council to widen the Banyena Pimpinio Road in Murtoa.
  • $5 million for Greater Shepparton City Council to upgrade the Goulburn Valley Highway (Numurkah Road) and Hawkins Street intersection in Shepparton.
  • $490,000 for Yarriambiack Shire Council to widen Glenorchy Road in Rupanyup.

Through the upcoming Budget the Albanese Government is also providing additional funding to ensure the delivery of two important projects on the Princes Highway:

  • an additional $2.6 million to support the delivery of the Princes Highway East - Lakes Entrance East - Princes Highway Safety Upgrades project.
  • an additional $2 million to support the delivery of the Princes Highway Intersection Upgrades - Pakenham to Beaconsfield.

This new funding adds to the Australian Government's existing $316.3 million investment in Victoria's Princes Highway, which is a key route that connects people and freight throughout Victoria's regions.

The SLRIP was created by the Albanese Labor Government to ease the administrative burden on local councils as well as state and territory governments.

With $200 million available each year, the Program is part of the Australian Government's commitment to strengthen investment and support the delivery of safer and more productive roads across Australia.

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