5 Mar 2019 - 16:30
The Australian Government has committed $52.1 million to support Australians engaging with the National Redress Scheme for survivors of institutional child sexual abuse through Redress Support Services.
Five additional grants are being offered to establish Redress Support Services in areas of specific need.
As a result 39 Redress Support Services will be funded until June 2021 to provide survivors of institutional child sexual abuse with much-needed support before, during and after the application process.
This includes remote and regional areas, services that support male survivors of institutional child sexual abuse, survivors with disability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Redress Support Services offer survivors of institutional child sexual abuse with an independent, trusted source of information and support as they engage with the National Redress Scheme.
The new additional Redress Support Service providers being offered a grant to establish Redress Support Services in areas of specific need are:
- ACT Disability and Carer Advocacy Service
- Cape York Remote Area Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Care Advisory Association
- Pilbara Community Legal Service
- Survivors and Mates Support Network (SAMSN)
- Blue Knot Foundation.