Researchers and students at 10 institutions in Austria will continue to benefit from unlimited open access publishing in IOP Publishing (IOPP) journals.
This is thanks to the renewal of the agreement between IOPP, the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Austrian Academic Consortium (Kooperation E-Medien Österreich, KEMÖ).
The agreement enables Austrian researchers' article publication charge (APC) to be paid by their funder or research institute. All IOPP and selected partner subscription titles that offer a hybrid open access option continue to be included in the agreement. The FWF will also fund articles in fully gold open access journals.
Steven Hall, Managing Director at IOP Publishing, said: "The first offsetting agreement we negotiated was with Austrian institutions in 2014, so I'm extremely pleased the FWF, KEMO, and the participating institutions found it to be successful and were keen to renew with us.
As the first of its kind, this agreement has been key in our progression towards transformative publishing, and has made open access publishing as easy as possible for our Austrian authors."
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