Iran's supreme leader says US fabricated nuclear myth

Iran’s supreme leader said on Sunday the US has “fabricated myths" about his country's seeking to build nuclear weapons.

"They fabricated the myth of nuclear weapons so they can point at the Islamic Republic as a threat. No! The threat is the US, which commits uncontrollable interventions causing insecurity,” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told a group of high-ranking military commanders on the National Army Day, Tehran Times reported.

He said Iran considers security as the “greatest divine gift”, is committed to the Islamic law and have never used “forbidden tools and methods” for defence or attack purposes.

Iran is under several rounds of sanctions, including from the UN, EU, US for its alleged attempt to acquire nuclear capability.

Iran says its nuclear program is peaceful and aimed at supplying its medical research reactors and civilian nuclear power plants.

Iran and the P5+1 group of countries – five permanent members of the UN Security Council including Russia plus Germany – reached a framework agreement on Tehran’s nuclear program in the Swiss city of Lausanne on April 2. A final deal is to be accomplished by June 30.

The framework agreement envisages lifting the West’s sanctions against Tehran – particularly in the oil and financial sectors for Iran’s curbing its nuclear program and improving transparency.

The Supreme Leader has a final say on most state matters, including on foreign policy in Iran.